  • 期刊


A Study of the Relationship between Teachers' Perception of Principals' Technology Leadership and Teachers' Academic Optimism of Elementary Schools in Taoyuan City




The purpose of this study is to explore the current situation of teachers' perception of principals' technology leadership and teachers' academic optimism of elementary schools in Taoyuan City. The questionnaire and quota sampling were used to do this survey. The research subjects are 654 elementary school teachers in Taoyuan City. 629 questionnaires were received and there were 601 effective responses. The effective rate reached 95.5%. The sampling data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, Pearson Correlation, and multiple regression analysis. The results were: 1. The current situation of teachers' perception of principals' technology leadership and teachers' academic optimism of elementary schools in Taoyuan City reached a medium high level. 2. Teachers' perception of principals' technology leadership and teachers' perception of academic optimism showed a medium positive correlation. 3. Teachers' perception of principals' technology leadership had highly predictability to teachers' perception of academic optimism. According to the findings and conclusions, this study proposed recommendations for educational authority, elementary school principals, elementary school teachers, and future researches.


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