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The Influence of the Growth Trajectory of Junior High School Students' Math Homework Time on Math Learning Achievement After School




After junior high school students are out of school, the influence of time spent doing math homework on math learning achievement deserves attention. This research used the Keelung City Junior High School Students' Learning Database to track the impact of the time spent doing math homework on mathematics academic performance among 1,586 students in five semesters. Through one-factor repeated variance analysis, regression analysis, and latent growth model analysis, the following conclusions were obtained: The growth trajectory of junior high school students' math homework time showed a linear decline. The seventh grade had the highest math homework time in the next semester. As the semester gone on, the doing homework time gradually decreased, and the ninth grade was the least in the next semester. There was no correlation between the math homework time of seventh graders and the next semester of ninth grade mathematics; however, the time for junior high school students to do math homework in the fifth semester gradually decreases, but the ninth grade math performance in the next semester improves. There was no relationship between the starting point of the time for doing math homework and the growth rate of the time for doing homework in five semesters. That is to say, although the second semester of the seventh grade was the highest, it is not related to the gradual decrease in the time for doing math homework from the first semester of the eighth grade to the next semester of the ninth grade. The feature of this study was that it is found that the time spent doing math homework in junior high school students showed a linear decrease. The time for doing homework in the seventh grade was the highest in the second semester, and the time for doing math homework in the fifth semester decreased each semester. On the contrary, the mathematics learning performance of the ninth grade students were better. This broken the stereotype that you need more time to doing your math homework to get good grades. This study further discussed and made recommendations.


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