  • 期刊


An Exploration for Practice of Mathematics Education Based on STEAM from Perspective of Educational Aesthetics


有鑑於整合科學、科技、工程、藝術與數學的STEAM教育研究對數學學習關注較為不足,數學教育的美感與價值亦具其深入研究的需要,本研究即統整STEAM教育與教育美學文獻,結合專業繪圖軟體「Adobe Illustrator」作教學設計之規劃,為一所國民中學27位九年級學生實施行動研究,以探索整合STEAM學科的數學教育之可能性與教學效果。研究發現美學導向的STEAM教育數學教學,其可能性反映在科技軟體、生活實例與藝術設計的有效整合,帶來增進學生數學觀念分析、應用、溝通,及提升學習興趣之效果;學生學習數學之詮釋的轉變反映在提升其對數學價值的態度,依據研究發現提出STEAM教育實踐的具體建議。


Since mathematics learning effectiveness has been less concerned from researches of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics ) education, and there exist more requirements for investigation of aesthetics and values in mathematics education, an action research was implemented with "Adobe Illustrator" the drawing software for 27 9-grade students based on literature review for STEAM education and Educational Aesthetics to explore potential and effectiveness of mathematics education integrated with STEAM disciplines. Findings indicated that Aesthetics-oriented mathematics education based on STEAM has potential for integration of software, living examples and art-design; abilities for mathematics conception analysis, application, communication, and learning interests is enhanced; students' interpretation for mathematics learning reflect a change in sense of mathematics values. Recommendations based on research findings for STEAM education were proposed.


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