  • 期刊


A Study of Computer Graphics Education in Graphics Design Courses


本研究以平面設計之角度,探索在設計電腦化的時代,目前設計教育界教授電腦繪圖之情況。其研究目的在探究設計電腦化與傳統設計作業之差異,界定電腦繪圖教學對設計教育的影響,並探討現行的電腦繪圖教學是否能因應設計電腦化的變革。經由教授電腦繪圖的教師座談、與設計學生的學前認知及學習心得調查等多方位的資料收集,並依資料性質分別實施質量的內容分析或數量的統計分析,再經資料相互比較,綜合本研究重要結論列述於下: (1)設計基礎課程與電腦繪圖的學習成效具相關性存在,而理性思考的課程如圖學則比感性培育的課程如素描有更高的影響力。 (2)電腦繪圖的教學應考慮軟體的常用性,在設計上使用率高的軟體優先教授,似可提昇學生的學習興趣。 (3)初學電腦繪圖的學生較易接受示範式教學再加上教師於練習時指導的方式。 (4)學生對繪圖軟體的熟悉度與其本身的設計能力,均影響其運用電腦的意願。 (5)提出仍以傳統設計教育為主軸、電腦繪圖為輔的V型設計電腦化教學之觀念架構,供課程規劃參考。並建議初階電腦繪圖課程宜以操作性技巧訓練為主,而進階電腦繪圖課程則宜以設計創意性之運用為授課重點。


The purpose of this study was to investigate how the computer graphics is taught in design school. The design computerization related to the teaching in computer graphics were discussed in the study. The interview, group discussion, and survey were conducted to collect data. The method of Grounded Theory was adopted to analysis the information from interviews and group discussion, and the quantitative data from surveys was computed using the SPSS for Windows. Major conclusions include: 1. The effectiveness of learning computer graphics seems to be influenced by the design and computer basic courses. 2. For the students' interesting, the software being used frequently in design were suggested to be taught in advanced. 3. The willing of using computer in design was determined by the students' operation skill in computer and their design capabilities. 4. A new conceptual model of teaching computer graphics was suggested for planning design course. 5. Suggesting that the operation of computer should be taught in the basic courses of computer graphics and the creation related to design should be combined in the advanced courses.


楊靜宜(2003)。數位環境影響下台灣視覺設計教育之變遷 -朝倉直巳教授之教學理念傳承〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200300273
