  • 期刊


The Search Model for Design Knowledge at Highly-Involved Users


Web2.0成功開啟網路世界「全民專家」時代,使用者由單純的知識接收者,轉變為知識提供者或知識開發者。在具體產品領域,使用者期待能自行設計產品,以展現個人創意。更多企業提供產品構件或工具,供使用者發揮他們對產品的創意,使用者可視為另一種形式的設計者。本研究基於「使用者即為創新者」與「Design by user-self」概念,以樂高積木為設計物件、高涉入程度玩家為研究對象,執行「高涉入使用者設計知識搜尋概念模式」之定性研究,提出可行之問卷工具、變動屬性判定原則、模式建構方法與程序等觀念工具,歸納出四種身分之高涉入使用者:初級專家、作品參展者、經營管理者、競賽獲獎者及其關鍵設計知識及搜尋途徑。應用所提概念模式,可針對使用者及企業提出未來發展之可行策略建議,當使用者逐步擁有設計知識,不僅能實踐個人創意,亦間接擴展企業創意版圖;企業方面,可規劃多種商業發展策略來提昇體驗經濟產值及專業形象。透過所提概念模式,高涉入使用者之設計知能,將由少數個人化嗜好提昇為「創意體驗產業」,開創產業設計新能量。


Web 2.0 has facilitated an ”all people expert” era in the internet world, and users have transformed from pure knowledge receptors to knowledge providers or knowledge developers. In the field of concrete products, users wish to design their own products to show personal creativity. More and more enterprises provide the components or tools of products for users to apply their creativity toward product design, and thus, users can be viewed as another form of designers. Based on the concepts, namely ”user is innovator” and ”design by user-self”, using LEGO bricks as the design element and LEGO players with high design capability as the research subjects, this study qualitatively implemented ”a concept model of highly-involved users' design knowledge and search approaches,' and proposed the conceptual tools, including: research questionnaire tools, judgment method for changed attributes, and model construction method and process. This article generalized the key design knowledge and search approaches needed by four types of highly-involved users (junior expert, exhibition participator, business manager, and award winner). With the proposed concept model, feasible suggestions and strategies were offered for users and industries for future development. The possession of design knowledge in users, it not only fulfills individual creativity but also indirectly expands the creativity domain of the enterprise. From the enterprise's perspective, various development strategies could be made to increase its experience economic value and upgrade its professional image. Through proposed model, the design knowledge and skills of highly-involved users will advance from a few individual hobbies to a creative experience industry and start new design power in the industry.


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林純如(2010)。應用蜂巢紙材於DIY 燈具設計〔碩士論文,國立臺北科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6841/NTUT.2010.00506
