  • 期刊


The comparison of the temperature retain ability in nature hardwoods and Chair-fir plantation in Huisun Forest Experimental Station


森林林分內具保溫現象,太陽輻射下降後,冠層內可持續一段時間保有一定的溫度,此種保溫現象隨林分的結構而不同,以本調查而言,闊葉天然林較杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)人工林保溫效果大,此與林分之LAI與相對光度有關。二林分夜晚的積溫與CO_2濃度均有顯著的相關,夏天積溫高,CO_2濃度也顯著高於冬天的1月。也因冠層內的保溫現象,使CO_2濃度在冠層內顯著高於林分外的開闊地。


Forest stands have temperature retain abilities after sunlight radiation going down, those abilities are strong correlation with forest structure. In this investigation, the nature hardwood stand has a higher ability than Chain-fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) plantation. It is because the LAI and relative light intensity in stands of hardwoods are higher than that of fir plantation. There is a significant correlation between cumulative temperature and CO_2 concentration in night time (18:00~06:00). In summer time of July has a higher cumulative temperature and has higher CO_2 concentration than winter time of January. The CO_2 concentrations in stand canopies of these two forests are higher than open air of outside stand. These phenomena indicated that there has an ability to retain temperature in forest canopy.
