  • 期刊


Taxonomic study of Dendranthema in Taiwan


本研究檢視臺灣產菊屬植物之標本,並觀察各分類群之形態特徵,包括植株各器官外部形態及花粉粒細微特徵,彙整其地理分布,分析外部形態特徵相似性及各分類群親緣關係,並針對臺灣產菊屬(Dendranthema (DC.) Des Moul.)植物進行分類研究。以用平均歸群分析法(UPGMA)相似性分析可將臺灣產菊屬植物區分為4個分類群;各分類群具有不同的地理分布及海拔範圍;本研究根據研究結果,將臺灣產菊屬植物處理為4個分類群,新竹油菊(D. lavandulifolium var. tomentellum)併入阿里山油菊(D. arisanense),其餘分類群為:油菊(D. indicum)、蓬萊油菊(D. horaimontana)及森氏菊(D. morii),其中油菊僅分布於離島金門及馬祖地區。


The study examined the plant specimens of Dendranthema in Taiwan, and observed the morphological characteristics that includes external morphology in various organs and subtle features in pollen grainsin each taxon. The classification was made based onthe geographic distribution and the similarity of external morphology characteristics. The phylogeny within taxa was analyzed to categorizing the plants of Dendranthema in Taiwan. The similarity based on the UPGMA analysis divided Dendranthema in Taiwan into four taxa. The geographical distribution and altitudes distribution within taxa can be regarded as a reference of taxonomic. The result of present study suggested that Dendranthema in Taiwan can be categorizedinto four taxa. Dendranthema lavandulifolium var. tomentellum is included into D. arisanense, and other taxa are D. indicum, D. horaimontana and D. morii. Moreover D. indicum only distributeed in Kinmen and Matsu.


Dendranthema UPGMA Dendranthema arisanense Taiwan
