  • 期刊


Content analysis for the industrial news of camellia oil in Taiwan




苦茶油 油茶 食農 內容分析


Camellia oil industry has the potential of business opportunity in Taiwan. Because many oiltea camellia trees are cultivated sporadically, sales pipeline is not large, and large amount of imported mainland's oil camellia seed, people often worries about buying poor quality camellia oils. These problems need to be discussed in depth. In recent years, the industry appeared prosperous mostly due to the government's award deed and related measures. This study found that the report regarding camellia oil in Taiwan's news media, "food agriculture and food security" and the health care effects are the major topics discussed. This study was conducted to characterize of the development of Taiwan's camellia oil industry in the past 67 years by analysing the media content of the industry in order to identify the problems the industry had faced, and to realize the the changes, trends, views and ideas that can be used for improving the development of the industry. The results suggest that, in addition to government incentives, a clear production, processing and marketing standards, as well as a system for origin and quality certification are needed to strengthen the camellia oil industry in Taiwan.
