  • 期刊


The relationship between stand development and diameter distribution of a Taiwania (Taiwania cryptomerioides) plantation in central Taiwan


本研究目的在於分析臺灣中部地區臺灣杉人工林林分發展特性及其與直徑分布的關聯性,研究區域位於臺灣中部地區惠蓀林場第3林班,該林分於1978年栽植,本研究為瞭解林分發展,於2017年設置4個永久樣區,並於2017、2018及2021年進行3次調查,調查時林齡分別為39、40與43年生。本研究採用Weibull分布模擬不同時期之林分直徑分布,經Kolmogorov-Smirnov適合度檢定顯示Weibull分布模擬結果良好,各樣區不同時期結果皆通過測驗。Weibull函數之a、b、c參數值皆隨林分生長呈現略增,而不同時期所得直徑分布曲線型態相當接近且趨近於常態分布。推估林分於43年生時之蓄積量、地上部生物量及碳貯存量分別為526.29 m^3 ha^(-1)、223.85 Mg ha^(-1)及131.96 Mg C ha^(-1)。林分於調查時期之期間平均生長量(periodic annual increment, PAI)及總平均生長量(mean annual increment, MAI)皆隨著林齡增加而減少,且PAI < MAI。此亦顯示林分已超過伐期齡,應可進行伐採收穫。本研究所得之結果可提供臺灣杉人工林經營之重要資訊。


The purpose of this study was to assess the characteristics of stand development and their relationships with the diameter distribution for a Taiwania (Taiwania cryptomerioides) plantation in central Taiwan. The plantation was established in 1978. It is located at the No.3 compartment of the Huisun Forest Station, belonged to National Chung Hsing University. Four permanent plots was established to monitor stand development in 2017 and surveyed in 2017, 2018 and 2021 when the stand ages were 39, 40 and 43 years old, respectively. The Weibull distribution was employed to quantify diameter distribution of the stand at different age. The result showed that all plots with various surveyed periods passed the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test suggested that the model could effectively quantify diameter distribution. The a, b and c parameters of the Weibull function were all slightly increased as the stand aged. Moreover, the shape of diameter distribution of the three stand ages were similar with normal distribution. The predicted stand volume, aboveground biomass and carbon storage were predicted to be 526.29 m^3 ha^(-1), 223.85 Mg ha^(-1) and 131.96 Mg C ha^(-1) for the plantation at 43-year-old., The periodic annual increment (PAI) and mean annual increment (MAI) were found to be decreased with age and PAI < MAI for the three surveyed stand age. The results indicated that the stand has passed its optimal harvesting age and harvesting is necessary.
