  • 期刊


Investigation and analysis of tourists' cognition and satisfaction of botanical garden functions - A case study of Hengchun Tropical Botanical Garden


恆春熱帶植物園是國際植物園保育聯盟(Botanic Gardens Conservation International, BGCI)的會員之一,亦是國內唯一有不同政府機關轄管範圍及權屬重疊的植物園,導致園區提供的植物園功能有多樣化卻又互相箝制的特性,可能造成不同目的來訪的遊客對於園區功能認知及遊憩體驗上的差異。因此,本研究主要目的是調查遊客對恆春熱帶植物園功能的認知和園區滿意度,並探討植物園功能認知對園區滿意度的影響。本研究以問卷調查方式進行,於2022年8月6日至同年9月17日發放430份問卷,有效問卷為409份。研究結果顯示,遊客普遍認同恆春熱帶植物園的功能,且對旅遊體驗感到非常滿意,不僅自己願意再次造訪園區,亦很樂意推薦他人來訪。此外,本研究探討的7個植物園功能認知皆分別對園區滿意度有顯著正向影響,其中各植物園功能認知對園區滿意度的影響力係以「生態保育及永續」最高;其次為「休閒遊憩」、「景觀美學」及「生態教育解說」功能;再來為「種原保存」及「保存歷史與文化」功能;最後則是「學術研究」功能。


Hengchun Tropical Botanical Garden is one of the members of Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI), and it also is the only botanical garden in the country that has area with overlapped ownership from different government agencies. As a result, the functions that botanical garden provided are diverse but mutually restrictive, which may cause differences in the botanical garden function cognition and recreational experience for tourists visiting for different purposes. Thus, the purpose of this study is to investigate tourists' cognition and satisfaction of Hengchun Tropical Botanical Garden, and to explore the impact of botanical garden function cognition on satisfaction. This study was conducted by questionnaire survey, 430 questionnaires were distributed from August 6, 2022 to September 17, 2022, and 409 valid questionnaires were collected. The results showed that tourists generally agreed with the functions of Hengchun Tropical Botanical Garden and were very satisfied with the travel experience. Not only were they willing to visit the garden again, but also willing to recommend others to visit. In addition, the cognition of seven botanical garden functions discussed in this study has a significant positive impact on the satisfaction of the garden. The highest impact of seven botanical garden functions is "ecological conservation and sustainability" ; followed by "leisure and recreation", "landscape aesthetics" and "ecological education narration" ; then "species preservation" and "preservation of history and culture" ; the last is "academic research".
