  • 期刊


A Study on the Political Conflicts in the Zhengde Period of the Ming Dynasty: Focusing on the Deterioration of the Relations between Wang Qiong and Yang Tinghe




王瓊 楊廷和 政爭 人事關係


The relationship between political figures has always been an important part of examining the evolution of political situations. For example, the evolution of the relationship between Wang Qiong and Yang Tinghe, the former being the minister of the military and the latter the grand secretary of the grand secretariat, is an important opportunity to investigate the growth and decline of the power of the Ministry and the Cabinet in mid-Ming Dynasty. Differences including official career experience and political interests lead to the sharp contradiction between Wang and Yang. After Emperor Wuzong's death, Yang Tinghe presided over government affairs and strongly rejected Wang Qiong. Soon after Shizong came to power, Wang Qiong was punished and sent to defend the border. The political status change of Wang and Yang in the early years of Jiajing was not only the result of political struggle, but also an important period for the promotion of cabinet power during Zhengde and Jiajing in the Ming Dynasty. The Cabinet, headed by Yang Tinghe, controlled the government and intervened in the six Ministries, causing a power struggle between official ministers. The change in the relationship between Wang Qiong and Yang Tinghe fully reflected this phenomenon. It should be pointed out that the struggle between Wang and Yang played an important part in Wang Yangming's tortuous career during early Jiajing period. At present, scholars have done innumerable researches on Wang Qiong and Yang Tinghe, but most mainly focus on their political career and achievements, not much research is done on the evolution of the political relations between them and the internal reasons of this evolution. This paper synthesizes the Ming Veritable Records and related works, probes into the evolution and essence of the political relationship between Wang and Yang to gain a restricted view into the political situation and personnel relations of mid-Ming period.


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