  • 期刊

An Investigation of Fund Managers' Escalation of Commitment





Investors not only hold losing stocks too long but also remain committed to buy them. The aim of this study is to examine whether fund managers have the tendency to remain committed to buy losing stocks and to test factors that influence fund managers' escalation on losing stocks. Psychological factors including sunk cost, self-justification, and overconfidence are used to test the escalation hypotheses. A set of sample consisting of 98 open-end equity funds over 2-year period is employed to execute the regression analyses. Empirical results reveal that sunk cost and self-justification are significant factors to influence fund managers' escalation of commitment. Though the turnover of fund managers is not an efficient method, performance rank as a monitoring-driven instrument could mitigate fund managers' propensity of escalation of commitment. To avoid misallocating fund resources, fund managers should diversify their investment portfolios and fund institutions can build an early warning system based on performance rank to execute the monitoring.


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