  • 期刊


The Impacts of e-Business Activities on Supply Chain Partnership and Performance




The rapid development of e-commerce and Internet activities not only has provided firms with great growth opportunities, but also brought about drastic structural changes in the business network. In light of the structural changes and growth opportunities, the notion of partnership among firms in the supply chain once again becomes a central topic and receives a great deal of attention from practitioners and researchers. One major advantage of Internet-based e-commerce is fast and efficient integration and exchange of information. The relationship among supply-chain partners could thus become closer; however, the subsequent reduction in transaction cost and switching cost might weaken the cohesion of the supply-chain network. Our research intends to examine how the adoption of ecommerce affects the supply chain performance as well as the interaction among supply chain members. Specifically, we address the strategic role of e-commerce adoption in moderating the influence of partnership on customer satisfaction and supply chain performance.


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