  • 期刊


Toward Analytical Procedures for Service Quality Promotion in Call Centers: A Case Study


對提供電信服務之客服中心管理者而言,如何在動態的顧客呼叫請求之環境,確實掌握顧客之需求,收集並分析服務品質的相關資料,並配合組織流程知運作有效的改善系統服務水準,以提昇顧客服務品質,是十分重要的議題,然而相關文獻卻仍十分缺乏。本研究試圖建立一套結構化及系統化的方法,首先建立服務品質分析模型以找出可能影響因素,再以問卷調查方式進行顧客聲音(Voice of Customer, VOC)的收集,以了解客服中心服務系統之使用客戶對服務系統認知之服務水準。其次再將顧客的聲音透過品質機能展開(Quality Function Deployment, QFD)的方法,配合服務系統有關技術特性之服務品質要素對應成關係矩陣,以品質屋以品質屋搭配KJ法(親和圖,Affinity Diagram)進行二階段展開以篩選出服務品質要素之重要度與服務系統相關部門的重要管理內容,最後再用以分析客服中心服務品質建立之相關程序與影響因素之重要程度,期能協助電信服務業者改善客戶服務品質。在實證方面也將此分析程序應用於國內電信業者,個案研究資料顯示本研究所提之分析程序確能實際運用於電信服務業者並幫助其做好客服中心服務品質管理。


In a competitive environment with dynamic incoming calls, it's quite important for call center managers to master customer requirements efficiently, to improve service level effectively in coordination with business processes, and therefore contributes to the promotion of the perceived service quality for customers. However, a workable instruction capable of guiding the implementation processes is still scanty. In this paper, we try to develop a series of systematic procedures in an attempt to deal with such a dilemma. First, we propose a service quality analytical model managed to identify possible factors which may affect service quality of call centers, a survey is then conducted to collect the Voice of Customer (VOC), which plays the role of the basis for understanding perceived service quality of call center users. Second, the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is employed in accordance with technical features of service providing system to derive the relationship matrix of service quality, thereby the Quality House and Affinity Diagram are introduced to draw determinants of service quality and their corresponding activities performer. Finally, the results obtained in previous steps may serve as the foundation for further analysis to achieve high service level. An empirical study was conducted and lends credibility to our approach proposed.


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