  • 期刊


A Study on High School Teachers' AIDS Teaching Needs, Self-efficacy and the Effect of In-service Training


本研究主要目的在瞭解從事愛滋教學之中等學校教師的教學困難與需求、對愛滋教育的看法、自我效能、預期效能與信心,并評估參與研習活動後之效果。采問卷調查法,以自編之結構式問卷,對參加臺北市立性病防治所舉辦之「教師知愛教育訓練營」的64位從事愛滋相關教學之2001學年度台北市國、高中現任健康教育及軍訓護理教師,于研習開始與結束時進行課室問卷。重要發現如下: 一、本研究之教師,在過去五年中只有不到三分之一曾參加過有關愛滋教學的相關研習活動。近半數教師在教導預防愛滋相關主題覺得有困難;沒有適當的教具、教材及缺乏在職教育課程與相關知識,是教師在進行愛滋教學時所面臨的最主要困難與需求。 二、本研究高達九成教師贊成應該教導青少年安全性行為,近六成不贊成青少年可以有性行為。 三、在有關愛滋病的症狀、預防方法及安全性行為等相關主題,本研究之教師較有把握;在病原體、治療、流行趨勢及如何能讓學生接納愛滋病患等方面,較無把握。四、本研究之教師大多數有信心進行預防愛滋病教育相關教學示範并回答愛滋病相關問題。 五、「教師知愛教育訓練營」的研習活動可正向改變教師對愛滋教育的看法、提昇教師愛滋教學的自我效能及預期效能,并可增進教師進行愛滋教育的信心。相關建議及討論于文本中詳述。


The purpose of this study was (l)to understand high school teachers’ AIDS teaching-including difficulties, needs, self-efficacy, expectancy efficacy, and confidence, and (2)to evaluate the effect of an 8-hour training program. Sixty-four high school teachers who teach AIDS prevention attended the training program in the Taipei STD Control Center. Data was collected by filling the questionnaire at the beginning and the end of the training program. The major findings were as follows: 1. Only 26.5% of the subjects attended relevant training courses on AIDS education in the past five years. 2. About 46.7% of the subjects had difficulties in teaching AIDS prevention. The major problems were short of teaching instruments and materials, in-service training program and knowledge ofAIDS. 3. The subjects’ attitudes on AIDS-related education were positive but varied in gender and different majors. 4. The subjects had medium-level of self-efficacy and confidence in teaching AIDS prevention and had medium-level of expectancy efficacy on the teaching effect. 5. Male and female subjects scored differently in self-efficacy and confidence, and subjects’ majors scored differently in self-efficacy. Subjects in different age groups scored differently in expectancy efficacy. 6. Subjects’ attitudes on AIDS-related education, self-efficacy and expectancy efficacy in teaching AIDS prevention, and confidence in carrying out AIDS education programs were all positively related. 7. The training program of this study was effective in positively changing subjects’ attitudes on AIDS-related education, and was effective in promoting subjects’ self-efficacy and expectancy efficacy in teaching AIDS and confidence in carrying out AIDS education programs.


