  • 期刊


Gender Differences in Consciousness of Sexual Harassment and Attitudes towards Gender Stereotypes among College Students


本研究旨在以中部某大學學生為例,探討大學生的性別平等意識(包括性騷擾認知與性別刻板印象),及性別平等意識的差異。 我們使用中部某大學性別平等委員會於2008年執行的「性別平等意識」調查資料進行分析研究,本研究有效樣本數共1001人,以SPSS統計軟體執行獨立樣本t檢定、卡方檢定及殘差分析。 本研究有幾個重要的發現:1)不分性別,大學生對性騷擾的認知都仍有迷思。2)性別平等意識具有性別差異,女性較能跳脫傳統父權「身體符號意義」的框架,有比較高的性別平等意識。3)大學生對男性的刻板印象多於對女性的刻板印象。 未來應就性騷擾事項之明確定義、去文化性、風險規避等議題作進一步討論與推廣;多多鼓勵學生(尤其男學生)修習性別課程;任何性別特質的個人都應該被公平的對待;最重要的是,要全面提升教師的性別平等意識,因為教師的性別觀念會在教學、與學生互動中流露,進而對學生造成重要的影響。


This paper aimed to explore how college students perceived the gender equality consciousness and to examine if male and female students had differences in gender equality consciousness. Students at a university in central Taiwan were used as the studying sample. The gender equality consciousness discussed here included knowledge of sexual harassment and the attitudes towards sexual stereotypes. We analyzed the data from the study on gender equality consciousness that was executed by the Gender equality Committee at a university in central Taiwan in 2008. There were 1,001 valid cases. SPSS was utilized to implement t-tests, chi-square tests and residual analyses. Significant findings included: 1) College students still had many misconceptions about knowledge of sexual harassment. 2) Females and males had differences in gender consciousness and females have higher gender self awareness. 3) Male stereotypes were more prevalent than female stereotypes among college students. To propagate the gender equality education on campus, we recommend that schools should endeavor to do the followings: 1) Make the definition of sexual harassment and how to avoid being sexually harassed widely known and raise students' gender equality awareness to reduce the impact of patriarchal culture and tradition on the recognition and reporting of sexual harassment events. 2) Offer diverse gender courses and encourage students, particularly male students, to take gender courses. 3) Educate students to tolerate and respect people with various gender characteristics. 4) Train teachers with gender equality consciousness since their ideas will influence the students greatly through teaching and interaction.




