  • 期刊


Young Women's Negotiation and Practice of Sexuality in Marital Relationship




女性情慾 身體 性協商 性實作 敘說探究


The purpose of this study was to explore the four married young women's sexual negotiation and practice in their marital relationship, from the feminist's perspective with the narrative research method. The study revealed that even though the sexuality of the participants was still bound by the definition of male-centered values, mainly in reproductive function, they began to realize through the process of sexual negotiation experience: the influence of gender learning in the past on their sexuality; increased awareness of the sources of body alienation and lack of erotic language; a reaffirmation of her sexuality; and, further, an unloading of moral norms in order to reacquaint themselves. The meaning of sexuality and the right to make decision were no longer dominated by male partners. The women either exercised the erotic resources they possessed as a power in sexual negotiation or rejected becoming or continuing to be the victim. They tried to speak to the true feelings of their body and their need for erotic desires. In the process of evolving from silent passivity to initiative decision, these women regarded sexual behavior as not the only way to practice sexuality. Sexuality could be fulfilled in diverse searching actions and forms in accordance with the needs of their body and feelings. They also realized sexuality as a power to realize the true meaning of ”women's existence in an active and positive way”.


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