  • 期刊


An Exploration of Body Checking Behaviors of Male Weight Trainees and the Related Factors


本研究目的在探討男性身體檢查行為現況及其相關因子,採橫斷式相關設計,自某大型連鎖健身中心的重量訓練區,以隨機抽樣法選取386位成年人男性為研究對象(平均年齡29.10 ± 7.22歲),於徵求同意後讓其填寫基本資料、重量訓練參與行為、肌肉圖象、社會體型焦慮及身體檢查行為的問卷。研究資料以卡方考驗、相關分析及階層迴歸分析處理,獲得結果如下:一、參與重量訓練的男性,檢查身體行為頻率較高的是:對鏡子看腹肌、胸肌及肱二頭肌,並會透過伸展找出肌肉的線條,以及經常透過捏或抓的動作確定肌肉大小和結實度;二、檢查身體時,心理上較重視的行為是:對著鏡子伸展肱二頭肌瞭解肌肉對稱性、捏或抓肌肉確定大小和結實度、捏腹部周圍肥肉來確定肌肉壯碩程度;三、體型知覺、社會體型焦慮與身體檢查行為呈顯著正相關;四、實際體型知覺與社會體型焦慮可以共同並正向地預測身體檢查行為。結論指出,肌肉發展是參與重量訓練男性關注的焦點,所以會產生許多與肌肉大小和結實的檢查行為,而這些行為的產生與體型知覺及體型焦慮有關。


This study was aimed at the exploration of the body checking behaviors of the male weight trainees and the related factors. The design of this study was crosssectional correlated, with a random sampling method. Three hundred eighty-six adult males from the weight training section of a large chain of fitness centers were selected as the participants (aged: 29.10 ± 7.22 years). With the informed consent, participants were asked to respond to the questionnaires of background information, muscular figure ratings, social physique anxiety, and body checking behaviors. The collected data were analyzed by Chi-square test, correlation analysis, and hierarchical regression analysis. The results were as follows: 1. Men who were involved in weight training have higher frequency of body checking: looking at the abdominal muscle, chest and biceps muscle in the mirror, showing the lines of the muscles through stretching, and often determining the muscle size and density by pinching or grasping. 2. When performing body checking, their psychologically emphasized behaviors were: stretching the biceps muscle in the mirror to understand muscle symmetry, pinching or grasping muscle to determine the size and density, and pinching fat around the abdomen to determine the extent of muscles. 3. Body shape perception, social physique anxiety, and body checking behavior were significantly positively correlated. 4. Actual shape perception and social physique anxiety can correspondingly and positively predict body checking behaviors. The conclusion points out that muscle development is the focus of the males who involved in weight training; therefore, many checking behaviors concerning muscle size and strong muscle will take place. These kinds of behavior are related to body shape perception and physique anxiety.




