  • 期刊


The Review of Theories for the Intimate Partner Violence




Intimate relationship violence is not only a complex interpersonal problem, but also a highlight of the socio-cultural problem of the traditional gender inequality. In Taiwan, the government is developing a considerably big amount of resources to prevent intimate relationship violence. The purpose is to stop the occurrence of violence and safeguard the victims. This article summarizes the related theories of intimate relationship violence, including the interpersonal and intrapersonal perspective, the psycho-social perspective, the socio-cultural perspective, and the integration theory perspective. The research integrates domestic and foreign-related theories of intimate relationship violence. It could be divided into intrapersonal perspective (Psychopathology and substance abuse theory), violence origins from the personality traits of the perpetrators who have mental, emotional and psychological disorders, as well as alcohol and drug abuse; psycho-social perspective (including social learning theory, the theory of cycled violence, ecological systems theory, frustration-aggression theory, social exchange theory, symbolic interactionism , and social situation / pressure and response theory) emphasizing the personal perspective to explain the cause of violence in an intimate relationship; The social perspective (including patriarchal theory, feminism, resource theory, conflict theory, violent cultural theory, family system theory and family structure factor theory), which is different from personal and family perspective, due to the fact that this theory usually points the central problem of intimate relationship violence at the perpetrators' desire to control, and the effect and beliefs of the traditional patriarchy (men are superior to women). In order to integrate the points of the different theories, it is considered that intimate relationship violence and its reoccurrence is not only caused by a single factor but by a chain reaction. Intimate relationship violence is a complex phenomenon that is influenced by social, cultural, psychological, and interpersonal interaction variables. When discussing the characteristics of high-risk cases in which intimate relationship violence is repeatedly victimized, attention should be paid to the correlation of the external environment and intimate relationship. Only the cause of the violence is found can the violence be prevented.




