  • 期刊


A Study on Consumer Behavior and Its Related Factors in Traditional Chinese Herbal Stores in Taiwan Area


臺灣中藥房的經營方式,自古以來皆是保守而傳統,卻於現今社會中面臨經營困境,故藉本研究瞭解民眾利用中藥房之概況,探討人口學特質對中藥房消費行為及購買決策之影響,期對中藥房業者突破困境發展現代化經營提出建議,同時也供醫療機構發展自費中藥之經營策略參考。 本研究初期先採質性研究之焦點團體,蒐集質化資料,再利用問卷調查,於台灣地區以各縣市人口比例,針對成年、有購買能力之一般民眾進行立意取樣,於民國93年8-10月問,共收集有效問卷1097份,採用SPSS 10.0中文版進行資料分析。 受訪民眾中,最近一年內有購買中藥經驗者佔88.2%,到中藥房消費目的,以養生進補為主(46.54%),選擇中藥房時,最重視中藥房之服務人員素質。而民眾之性別、年齡、教育程度、平約年就醫次數、有無使用中醫醫療之習慣等個人特質,約會影響消費者行為。同時,藉羅吉斯迴歸預測模式發現,56歲以上之中高齡族群、就醫次數多、平日有使用中醫習慣者、居住於中部及南部者,一年內較可能購買中藥。 現今消費者使用中藥已不同於以往之醫療目的,而以養生保健為主,故傳統中藥房業者應摒棄早期醫療角色之光環,掌握消費者之行為趨勢轉型為現代化、商業化及多元化中藥店,以期為臺灣中藥房塑造新契機。


Traditional Chinese herbal stores in Taiwan run in conservative and conventional way since ancient times. The herbal stores are facing operating predicament in recent years. The purpose of this study is to find out the demographic variables that influence consumer behavior and their purchasing decision. We expect to offer suggestions not only for herbal stores runners to surmount their predicament and develop a modern operation but also as a reference for hospitals to develop self-payment market on Chinese herbal medicine. This project used focus groups of qualitative research to collect qualitative data and used questionnaires to sample those people who were adults and possessed purchasing power in population ratio in Taiwan area. During August 2004 to October 2004, a total of 1,097 questionnaires were collected and analyzed with SPSS 10.0. Among these samples, we found that 88.2% of them had the experience of buying Chinese herbs in previous year, and 46.54% of them bought it with the purpose of preserving their health. Besides, when choosing a traditional Chinese herbal store, they paid much attention to the quality of store runners. Moreover, personal characteristics such as sex, age, education, average times of receiving medical treatment and having the habit of receiving Chinese medicine treatment also influenced the consumer behavior. At the same time, we also used logistic regression to find that people who were older than 56, received medical treatment more, had the habit of receiving Chinese medicine treatment and lived in central and southern Taiwan were more possible to purchase Chinese herbal medicine than others. Nowadays, consumers used Chinese herbal medicine for preserving health rather than treating diseases alone as in the old days. Our findings suggested that traditional herbal stores runners should abandon their early medical service role, and tried to grasp the consumer behavior tendency and changed their traditional operating way. They should change the traditional herbal stores into modern commercialized herbal stores with diversified products. We hoped this trend will bring new era to the development of Chinese herbal stores in Taiwan.




