  • 期刊


The Experience of Moving Tri-Service General Hospital of the National Defense Medical Center to Its New Site in Neihu


目的:國防醫學中心之三軍總醫院於二千年初,開始一系列的搬遷準備工作,如同於軍事術語的「移防」,準備由台北市南區的汀州院區搬遷至東北區約十五公里外的內湖新院址,並以搬遷期開「不停診」,「不擾民」,「維護民眾就醫權益」為目標。方法:由本院組成專案小組負責起草規劃,貴重或精密醫療裝備委託各屬廠商負責,其餘則以病房單位為主軸,醫療及行政後動為配合單位。初期規劃以輕病住院病房為優先搬遷,先開設典範病房,同時詳實估算運輸車輛載運數量體積,行走路線及所耗時間,經過數百次合縱連橫的沙盤推演,訂定各單位搬遷期程、需求人力、車輛種類、次數並律定集結地點、出發時問、搬運路線;為避免單位財產混亂遺失,並力求各單位各項物品財產各就定位,規定新院區每一房間門口應張貼該房間各項物品財產配置圖,以讓各項物品裝備於搬遷同時搬入各房間就定位。 結果:於2000年8月29日開始搬遷,歷經三次大風雨,動用貨運卡車3.5噸及10.5噸等共二千餘輛次,救護車共五百餘輛次,搬運工人共四千餘人天,至同年11月25日順利搬遷完畢。 結論:一個擁有一千七百多張病床的醫學中心,從地狹人稠又老舊的汀州院區,搬到十五公里外的內湖,開始基礎打造,營造健康社區,提昇服務品質,改變風貌,奠定全新三總,創下世界醫學史上不可磨滅的紀錄,也為軍醫在國軍建軍史上寫下光榮的一頁。回顧過去,「有計畫、有準備、有步骤、有標準」與「確實執行」是成功搬遷最重要之關鍵。


Objectives: At the start of the new millennium, Tri-Service General Hospital of (over 1700 sick beds) the National Defense Medical Center prepared to undertake a series of moves from its Dingzhou site in the south side of Taipei city to its new site in Neihu, 15Km to the northeast. Methods: Due to budgetary constraints and the policy of ”make do when no military support is available,” a project team based in the hospital was responsible to arrange for precision medical equipment to be commissioned to the various manufactures who had sold the equipment, while the remainder of equipment was to be handled mainly by the wards and coordinated by medical and administrative logistics. After sand table exercises were conducted several hundred times, the move schedule, the required manpower, the kinds of vehicles, the frequency of transport, the meeting place and starting time, and the transportation route were decided upon. In order to avoid disorder and loss of property from any unit, it was stipulated that the layout chart of the various articles and properties of every unit be posted at the entrance of the new hospital to ensure that each of the articles and equipment would be put in the right place. Results: The move commenced on August 29, 2000. Undergoing three periods of rainstorm, conducting over 2000 hauls with trucks weighing 3.5 tons and 10.5 tons and over 500 ambulance trips, and employing more than 4000 porters, the move was completed successfully by November 25 of the same year. Conclusions: This large medial center was moved from the old Dingzhou site to its new home in Neihu. By establishing the base, developing the idea of healthy communication, and improving the quality of medical service, the brand new Tri-Service General Hospital was set up in record time, unprecedented in the world history of medicine. This feat occupies a proud page in the history of the national military. Looking back, the keys to the success of this move were: ”planning, preparation, procedures and standards” and ”dedicated execution”


