  • 期刊


The Infl uence of Personality Traits on Medical Specialty Choice of First-Postgraduate-Year Residents


目的:醫學中心面臨五大科醫師招募不足或冷熱門科招募不均的問題,本研究藉探討個人特質對於選擇專科的影響,希對醫院擇才及醫學生生涯規劃有助益。方法:以南部某醫學中心2014、2015年畢業後一般醫學訓練醫師為對象,填寫愛德華斯個人興趣量表(Edwards Personal Preference Schedule;EPPS),回收124份,而後觀察其執登專科,以STATA 14.0 進行羅吉斯回歸,探討個人特質對選擇專科的影響。結果:名次居中或「內省需求(intraception)」高的醫師會傾向選開業科,但名次中後段的男性或「改變需求(change)」高的醫師會傾向不選開業科;名次居後或「積極需求(aggression)」高的醫師傾向選外科;「表現需求(exhibition)」高的醫師傾向選兒科或急診;「自謙需求(abasement)」高者傾向選內科。結論:自謙、積極、表現、內省、改變五種心理需求會影響專科選擇;性別對專科選擇無顯著影響,但同時加上畢業名次因素,影響程度會接近顯著。


Objectives: The shortage of medical residents in traditional specialties in Taiwan has become a major issue in recent years. The purpose of the study is to investigate the impact of personality traits on the specialty choices of the first-postgraduate-year residents (PGY- 1). The results will be used to improve resident recruitment strategies and the career development of the medical graduates. Methods: The study adopted purposive sampling and Edwards Personal Preference Schedule for data collection. A total of 124 PGY-1 residents participated in the study in 2014-2015. Statistical software (STATA 14.0) was used for stepwise logistic regression to investigate the impact of personality traits on specialty choice. Results: Participants with mid-academic ranking or high-intraception scores tend to choose general practice as a career, but male participants with low-academic ranking or high-change scores do not. Participants with low-academic ranking or high-aggression scores tend to choose surgery, while participants with high-exhibition scores tend to choose pediatrics or emergency as a career. Participants with high-abasement scores tend to be internists. Conclusions: A significant difference was found among first-postgraduate-year residents choosing specialties regarding abasement, aggression, exhibition, intraception, and change. Gender is not one of the contributing factors unless the academic ranking is taken into account.


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