  • 期刊


To study the change of reading performance for low vision patients after adjustment of color and contrast interface in the computer screen


目的:探討電腦螢幕介面運用不同「色彩對比」對低視力者閱讀成效之影響。方法:本研究於105年2月3日至106年12月31日期間,以台北某醫學中心綜合科病房,雙眼中好眼最佳矯正視力低於0.3而等於或優於0.05,年齡大於20歲,可閱讀、無色盲,能操作電腦之病人為收案對象,有效個案數60人。由受試者朗誦螢幕上四篇隨機選擇300個文字,採新細明體、18號字,介入黑底白字、白底黑字、綠底白字、藍底黃字所組成的內容無意義短文,計算其閱讀速度及錯誤率,並以問卷了解受試者對不同色彩對比偏好與想法。資料收集編碼後,輸入SPSS for Window18.0版本統計分析軟體,利用百分比、平均數及ANOVA等統計方法進行統計分析。結果:閱讀時間:藍底黃字顯著高於其他三組。錯誤率:黑底白字優於其他三者。黑底白字有最佳的文字辨識度,且閱讀時較舒適,整體滿意度最高。結論:電腦螢幕介面以「黑底白字」色彩設計,能讓低視力者有較清晰的視認度,提升閱讀速度、降低閱讀錯誤率,閱讀時較不會疲勞。


Objectives: To explore the impact of different "color contrast" on the computer screen for low vision readers. Methods: This study focused on patients over 20 years old, the best corrected-eyesight is between 0.05 (included) and 0.3, able to use a computer, and without a reading disorder or blindness in a general ward of a Taipei medical center from February 3, 2016 to December 31, 2017; there were 60 valid samples. 300 words were selected randomly constituted four essays without specific subjects and with Font 18 PMing Liu characters, and displayed in different color contrast (text/background) as white/black, black/white, white/green, and yellow/blue on the monitor. After patients with low vision finished reading the screen, we then collected and recorded their reading speed, error rate, and made them complete a questionnaire to find out their preferences and ideas about all the four essays. After data coding, ANOVA test was performed with SPSS for Windows 18.0 with Percentage and Mean. Results: Reading time: Yellow / blue is significantly higher than the other three groups. Error rate: white/black superior than the others. The white/black has the best word recognition and is more comfortable to read. Generally, white/black gets the highest satisfaction for the readers with low vision. Conclusions: The computer screen designed with "black background and white words" enables low vision people to have clearer visibility, and not only enhances reading speed, but also reduces reading error rate, and fatigue as well.


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