  • 期刊


Exploring the Priority Improvement Factors in Education and Training Management System Using IPA Model


目的:了解研究對象對「教育訓練管理系統」使用的重要度與滿意度(實際感受)之現況。應用重要度-滿意度分析(Importance-Performance Analysis, IPA)找出教育訓練管理系統優先改善的因素。方法:以問卷調查法收集資料,研究對象為北部某區域醫院到職滿一年並排除醫師之員工,共發放300份,有效問卷有228份,有效回收率為76%;並以重要度-滿意度分析(Importance-Performance Analysis, IPA)進行分析。結果:使用「教育訓練管理系統」最重視者為「輸出資訊的正確性」、最滿意為「使用教育訓練整合系統有助於減少人工作業」,須優先改善之因素僅「教育訓練管理系統執行時的回應速度」。結論:在「教育訓練管理系統執行時的回應速度」部分,建議可增加系統轉檔更新之次數,讓員工可即時查詢教育訓練相關資料,並對於醫院其他資訊系統,如知識管理系統、醫令系統、電子病歷系統等,建議可套用本研究架構,以找出各系統須優先改善之項目。


Objectives: Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) was performed to discern the importance and satisfaction (real experience) of the Training Management Information System, research object, to identify the factors requiring priority improvement. Methods: A questionnaire survey was conducted to on a non-physician sample with a minimum service of one year selected with convenience sampling and purposive sampling from a northern Taiwan regional hospital. A total of 228 valid responses were collected from 300 distributed questionnaires, with a valid response rate of 76%. The IPA was performed for data analysis. Results: The research found that only the response time of training management information system requires priority improvement. Conclusions: Frequenting file updates can facilitate employees to access education and training materials instantly. The framework of this research can help identify factors requiring priority improvement in other hospital information systems, such as the KMS, Physician Order Entry System, or EMR.


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