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The Influence of Statins Medication on Tuberculosis in Diabetes Patients: A Nationally Representative Cohort Study


目的:糖尿病會造成結核病感染風險上升且治療失敗,近年發現降血脂Statin類藥物具有預防結核病等傳染病之效果。本研究探討使用Statin類藥物能否預防糖尿病患罹患結核病,以提供糖尿病和結核病整合防治策略的參考。方法:使用全民健保險資料庫,採傾向評分法將糖尿病患者有使用Statin類藥物患者設為觀察組,與另一無使用Statin類藥物但混雜因素相似的對照組進行配對,以邏輯性迴歸計算兩組結核病發病機率。以觀察糖尿病患者到結核病發病之間的存活月數為時間變項,依據Statin類藥物累積劑量(Cumulative Daily Defined Doses, cDDDs),運用Cox比例危險模式(Cox proportional hazards model)建構存活迴歸模式分析結核病風險,同時探討Statin類藥物對於糖尿合併結核病患的成本效益。結果:配對後共有11,565位糖尿病患者,有跟沒有使用Statin類藥物的人數分別為5,782及5,783,研究期間罹患結核病的案數為340位,占率為2.93%,觀察組的罹病風險顯著低於對照組(0.7% vs. 2.2%)。高劑量Statin(> 721 cDDDs)比起中劑量(28-720 cDDDs)有顯著較低罹病風險,低劑量(< 28 cDDDs)的風險則顯著高於中劑量(28-720 cDDDs)。使用Statin類藥物對於糖尿合併結核病患者有較少的平均住院天數(10.8 vs. 13.6天)及較高的平均住院費高(新臺幣75,286 vs. 73,620元)。結論:使用Statin類藥物可降低糖尿病患罹患結核病的風險及醫療負擔,其預防效果呈現劑量效應關係。


Objectives: Diabetes (DM) triples the risk of tuberculosis (TB) infection. Recent epidemiological data suggest antihyperlipidemic statins reduce active TB incidence. We sought to examine whether statin therapy decreases the DM-TB burden. Methods: Based on data from Taiwan National Health Insurance Research Database between 2004 and 2013, we used pairwise (1:1) propensity score method to match statin and non-statin drug samples for each TB patient in a DM population. Logistic regression was used to calculate the incidence of TB. Regarding the survival of DM patients to the incidence of TB between the number of months as a time variable, combined with statin cumulative definite daily doses (cDDDs). Cox's proportional hazards model was used to construct a survival regression model. Cost-effectiveness analysis was also performed. Results: Matching 11,565 DM patients yielded two cohorts of 5,782 and 5,783 patients, statin users and non-users, 340 individuals were diagnosed with active TB. Statin users were less frequent among TB patients (0.7% vs. 2.2%). Cox model analysis indicated non-statin users had a higher risk of TB incidence (HR = 1.258). In comparison to medium dose (cDDDs 28-720) users, high dose (cDDDs > 721) had a lower and low dose (cDDDs < 28) had a higher risk of TB. Statin users were associated with fewer hospital stay (10.8 vs. 13.6 days) but more hospitalization expenses (NT$ 75,286 vs. 73,620) among DM-TB patients. Conclusions: Statin therapy among DM patients reduced TB incidence and related medical burden, the protective effect is dose-responsive.


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