  • 期刊


A Study on Peripheral Clinic Physicians' Referral Intention and Related Factors - A Case Study of a Medical Center in Northern Taiwan




Objectives: This study aims to understand the influencing factors of physicians' referral intentions in primary clinics. It explores how physician characteristics, institution characteristics, referral cognition, and referral experience affect physicians' referral intentions. Method: This study is conducted through cross-sectional research. The research materials were collected from March 1, 2022 to April 20, 2022. After the consent of the telephone, the online questionnaire form link was provided to fill in, and a total of 254 copies were received. Results: Physicians' overall referral intention will be affected by the number of referrals in the past month, whether they have joined the family physician integrated care program, referral cognition, daily average outpatient, and practice years. Conclusion: The number of referrals, joining the family physician integrated care program, daily outpatient visits, and years of practice all have an impact on the intention of behavior. It is recommended to evaluate the above conditions and establish contact channels first. In addition, referral cognition and referral intention have a positive impact, which means that clinics can better understand the content of referral policies, and their willingness to make referrals will be better. The hospitals should actively promote relevant policies with clinics.


詹雅嵐、林名男、黃慧雅(2021)‧台灣南部某縣市醫師對分級醫療六大策略之認同度及滿意度調查‧台灣家醫誌,31: 214-226。DOI:10.3966/168232812021093103005
中央健康保險署(2021)‧110 年分級醫療整題成效進度追蹤。https://ws.nhi.gov.tw
