  • 期刊

Validity of the Updated Pediatric Risk of Mortality Score (PRISM Ⅲ) in Predicting the Probability of Mortality in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit



疾病嚴重度的評估相當的重要,它不懂可以預測疾病預後是否良好,可給予病患家屬以及醫療團隊作爲參考,更可以從嚴重度的變化來作爲加護照顧好壞的指標。但是目前在國內卻缺乏一個有效的方法來評估兒童疾病的嚴重度及進一步預測其預後,而在衛生署評鑑兒童加護病房分級制度時,也因此欠缺收案適當度的參考。目前在國際上最常應用來作爲對於兒童加護照顧的評估方法,大致是以DR. Pollack提出的Pediatric Risk of Mortality Score(PRISM score)爲主。兒童死亡危險評估表(PRISM SCORE)是一個利用住入加護病房當日24小時內的生命微象,神經學檢查,和一些血液生化數值來評估兒童疾病的危險度,及預測病亡的機率。目前兒童危險評估表已於1996修改到第三版本(PRISM Ⅲ)。Dr. Pollack所屬的Children’s National Medical Center研究小組目前更將原本的PRISM Ⅲ score再加上病患的各項資料進行電腦化登錄並建立一個資料庫(Pediatric ICU Evaluations, PICUEs)。 本研究的目的,在於探討應用PRISM III score,來評估台灣重症兒童病患的嚴重度及預測死亡率的可靠性及可行性。並加入PICUEs,以取得美國同等級兒童加護病房資料和本院的兒童加護病房作爲比較,評估其效率以及品質的監測,並預期累積經驗來作爲將來衛生署評鑑國內兒童加護病房的參考。本研究的設計是前瞻性,觀察性研究。 本研究的對像是某南部大學醫學中心小兒科加護病房連續一年的住院病患。 從民國88年11月到民國89年10月,一共有385位兒童的412人次(202位男童及183女童)住進小兒科加護病房;平均年齡是53.9月(範圍從1個月到18歲)。分析最常住進加護病房的原因是呼吸衰竭(26.2%)。而有將近六成的住院病患具有一種以上的慢性重大疾病。而病童住加護病房的平均天數是5.06天(範圍從1天到81天)。平均兒童嚴重度指標是5.06分(範圍從0分到44分)。平均總體死亡率是8.17%,與預測死亡率(7.56%)兩者間並無統計上的意義差異(p值爲0.65)。但是標準加護病房住院天數比值(Standardized PICU length of stay ratio, SLOSR)是1.33,與預測加護病房住院天數比值兩者間有統計上的意義差異(p值小於0.001)。加護病房平均總體照顧效率爲32.5%。 由本研究結論顯示,兒童死亡危險度評估表(PRISM III score)可以作爲預測臺灣重症兒童預後指標。但是在加護病房住院天數的預測性似乎有差異。我們推想在不同國家的醫療環境均有差異,因此我們要利用國外的兒童死亡危險度評估表來判斷我們的加護病房住院天數或照顧效率時,仍必需考慮國內外情形的差異性。有待將來對於重症兒童的加護照顧更大規模研究,建立本土的資料庫後,累積經驗來作爲將來衛生署評鑑國內兒童加護病房的參考。


This study assessed the validity of the PRISM Ⅲ scoring system in accurately predicting the probability of mortality in a pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) in Taiwan. We collected data from consecutive patients admitted to our PICU during a one-year period from November 1999 through October 2000. Our PICU had 412 admissions including 385 patients (202 boys and 183 girls) with an average age of 53.9±58.2 months (range: 1 month to 18 years). The most common reason for admission was respiratory failure (26.2%). Almost 60% of the patients had at least one underlying chronic disease. The average duration of stay was 4.52±8.43 days (range 1 day to 81 days). The average PRISM Ⅲ score was 5.06± 6.95 (range 0-44). The overall mortality rate in the PICU was 8.17%. The mortality rate was not significantly different from the predicted rate (7.56%) (p=0.65). The efficiency of care was 32.5% and the standardized PICU length of stay ratio (SLOSR) was 1.33. The SLOSR ratio was significantly higher than the predicted rate (p value <0.001). The PRISM III score was valid for assessing mortality risk of PICU patients in this hospital in Taiwan. However the SLOSR ratio obtained in this study was higher than predicted. Differences in the patterns of practicing medicine may play an important role in observed PICU length of stay. Special caution is needed in adopting a severity of illness scoring system to assess performance of care, particularly in contexts different from the ones in which the instrument was originally developed. Further study including more pediatric intensive care units and other regions would enable greater generalization of the validity of this instrument.


WANG, N. T. (2014). 以阿帕契II評分預測加護病房病人存活率:某北區區域教學醫院的經驗 [master's thesis, National Tsing Hua University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6843/NTHU.2014.00592
