  • 期刊

A Comparison of Terbutaline and Fenoterol Unit Dose Vials in Treating Children with Acute Asthmatic Attacks



爲比較Terbutaline及Fenoterol兩種單一劑量溶液用於治療氣喘患童之效果,我們將108位5-14歲之急性氣喘患童隨機分爲兩組,一組有51位接受terbutalin(Bricanyl,5.0mg/2ml)單一劑量溶液霧化治療,另一組有58位接受fenoterol(Bricanyl,5.0mg/2ml)單一劑量溶液。病童先測量治療前之肺功能、血氧飽和濃度、血壓及脈搏,再接受terbutaline或fenoterol溶液霧化吸入治療約10分鍾,治療完成後0,5,15,30分鍾各再測一次肺功能、血氧飽和濃度及脈搏。血壓則只於0,30分鍾各再測一次。結果顯示:與治療前相比,兩種治療後之肺功能測驗項目包括用力呼氣肺活量,第一秒呼氣容量,最大中間呼氣流速,及尖峰呼氣流速在各時間點皆有明顯改善。脈搏速率在第15及30分鍾時間有明顯增快,血氧飽和濃度則只在第30分鍾有顯著上昇。收縮壓於治療後第0分鍾(terbutaline組)及30分鍾(fenoterol)組降低,舒張壓則無顯著變化。當兩組互相比較時,fenoterol組比terbutaline組有些微較佳之肺功能改善程度,副作用則兩組比率幾乎相等,皆在21%。 結論:terbutaline及fenoterol兩種單一劑量溶液用於治療氣喘患童之效果相當良好,fenoterol有些微較佳之肺功能改善程度,副作用則兩組比率幾乎相等。


To compare the bronchodilation and adverse effects of two commercially marketed short-acting β2-adrenergic agonists, terbutaline (Bricanyl, 5.0 mg/2m1) and fenoterol (Berotec, 1.25 mg/2m1) unit dose vials (UDV), 108 acute asthmatic children, aged 5 to 14, were randomly enrolled into this study. Nebulization treatment for 10 minutes using an air compressor nebulizer was performed after measurements of baseline spirometry, SaO2, blood pressure and pulse rate. Same measurements were repeated at 0, 5, 15 and 30 minutes after the end of the nebulization treatment. The blood pressure was also monitored immediately and 30 minutes after treatment. Almost all the spirometric parameters of both treatments at various time points significantly improved. The pulse rate significantly increased at 15 and 30 min. The SaO2 significantly increased at 30 min. The systolic blood pressure significantly decreased immediately (terbutaline only) and at 30 min (fenoterol only). No significant change was found in diastolic blood pressure. When the laboratory parameters at the same time points were compared. Significant better results for fenoterol treatment were found in FEy1 at 30 min (p=0.048), PEV1 at 15 and 30 min (p=0.049 and p=0.027, respectively), FEF(subscript 25-75%) at 30 min (p=0.033), mean absolute increase of PEF at 15 min (p=0.034) and 30 min (p=0.02l), FEF(subscript 25-75%) at 30 min (p=0.046), and in mean percent increase of FEF(subscript 25-75%) at 30 min (p=0.047). The adverse effects for both groups were almost equal and around 21%. In conclusion, both terbutaline and fenoterol UDV nebulization treatments are effective in treating acute asthmatic children. The adverse effects are nearly equal. The fenoterol UDV nebulization treatment shows a little better result in improving pulmonary function than does terbutaline.


terbutaline fenoterol nebulization acute asthma
