  • 期刊


The Spread and Translation of Chinese Christian Novels in the 1890s' Korea


基督教小說在中國一直無人注意,最近才開始有了研究。哈佛大學的韓南教授和旅法學者陳慶浩教授提出了最初研究成果,才有其具體的面貌呈現。本論文根據他們兩人的論著,探討分析了19世紀早期中國基督教小說的內容和出版情形,並試圖研討韓國所藏的中國基督教小說的韓譯本及珍本作品。 本論文主要根據崇實大學韓國基督教博物館所藏的中國基督教小說之早期韓譯本及珍本基督教文言筆記小說集《喻道要旨》,談論19世紀早期中國基督教小說的傳播狀況和其韓譯本的出版情形,籍此研析這些作品的文學價值和意義。經過發掘,發現韓國基督教博物館藏有不少珍本小說作品,例如被評為中國第一部基督教小說《張遠兩友相論》的韓譯本和楊格非牧師所著的早期基督教小說《引家當道》的韓譯本《인가귀도(引家歸道)》以及李提摩太譯的文言筆記小說集《喻道要旨》等譯作。這些小說作品主要是為了基督教的宣教目的而翻譯的。當時基督教傳教士為了宣教,利用大眾最喜歡的文學樣式「小說」來創作翻譯以基督教教義和《聖經》故事為內容的宗教讀物。因此,它們都具有其文章淺顯易懂、通俗易解的特點。因為作者主要以一般老百姓為讀者,文章盡量以淺近易懂的文字寫作。這些作品的韓譯本文章也與中文本差不多,而且在書寫方法上有顯著的特點:主要利用韓字表音文字的特性,開創了以隔寫方式書寫的文章標記法,例如1898年刊行的《張遠兩友相論》的韓譯本按照詞彙的品詞特點,全書都隔寫井然,在韓文作品書寫方法上開啟了現代化之門。


Not until recently have Chinese Christian novels begun to be the focus of research. Patrick Hanan of Harvard University and Chen Qinghao of French Social Science recently announced their study and appreciation of the Chinese Christian novels. This study reveals the contents and publications of Chinese Christian novels in the late 19th century based on the two researchers. By finding authentic Chinese Christian novels and their translated versions found in Korea, I try to discuss how they were disseminated and translated into Korean. This study investigates the circulation of Chinese Christian novels in the early nineteenth century and their Korean versions and discuss the literary value hidden in them based on the written language of Biji Xiaoshuoji Yu Dao Yao Zhi(喩道要旨) owned by Soongsil University Korean Christian Museum. The museum's collection included many precious rare books, for example, Korean version of the first Chinese Christian novel-Zhang Yuan Liang You Xiang Lun(張遠兩友相論), written by Reverend Griffith John, and early Christian novel-Yin Jia Dang Dao(引家當道), and the Korean version translated by Reverend Timothy Richard in the written language, Biji Xiaoshuoji Yu Dao Yao Zhi. Their primary purpose was to propagate their faith. The missionary knew how to mix literary appeal with biblical parables. Therefore, they used the plain language in a non-technical way. Authors and translators knew their audience and they wrote them in an interesting way. Korean versions are also similar to the Chinese ones but the former had some distinctive features in their representations. The forerunners in Korean translation were ahead of time in spacing words-for example, Korean version <쟝원량우샹론> published in 1898 became the first to use spacing words systematically according to a word class through the book. Thus it took the lead in Korean transcription modernization.


南韓.The Missionary Novels of Nineteenth Century China.Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies.60(2),413-443.
南韓(2004).Chinese Fiction of the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries.Columbia University Press.
