  • 期刊


The Impact in the Promotion of Kaohsiung Harbor's Competition Power with the Establishment of Free Port Area


為瞭解自由貿易港區設立對高雄港的影響及探討推動過程中會面對哪些障礙以及如何加以改善事項,本研究乃透過相關次級資料蒐集與探討,高雄港競爭力的SWOT分析,再以問卷調查配合專家深度訪談,而後獲致相關結果: 為了落實自由貿易港區的功能,提升高雄港未來之競爭力,本研究提出幾點建議,一、區內採風險管理方式減少關務干預,修改自由貿易港區設置管理條例第12條、16條及條例所衍生之通關管制法令。二、建立港務局、海關及航商相關業者間之資訊平台。三、港埠營運民營化、自由化。四、增建深水貨櫃碼頭及相關港埠設施。五、開放兩岸貨物直航。六、發展物流、轉運、加工、製造、組裝、重整、包裝、修配,海空聯運等行業,以提高貨物整體運輸價值。


This study focuses on the impacts on Kaohsiung port by establishment of free port area and the obstacles within the promotion procedures based on the SWOT analysis of the competitive edge of Kaohsiung port. Results from questionnaire survey and experts interview: The research offers some suggestions as follows 1. Amend the article 12 and article 16 of ”Act for the Establishment and Management of Free Ports” to lower the intervene of custom regulations and introduce risk management. 2. Setup the information platform between Harbor Bureau, Custom Bureau and shipping liners. 3. Privatization and Liberalization of port operation. 4. Expansion of deep-water container terminal and related port facilities. 5. Cargoes direct link between Taiwan and Mainland. 6. Promote logistics, cargo transit, value-added processing, manufacturing, assembly, re-packaging, packaging, repair/replacement, sea-air transport to raise the value of cargo.


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