  • 期刊

Quantitative Gait Analysis after Unilateral Knee Arthroplasty for Patients with Bilateral Knee Osteoarthritis


The purpose of this study was to investigate gait symmetry during walking in patients who had undergone unilateral knee arthroplasty for bilateral severe knee osteoarthritis (OA). All 12 patients had achieved successful recovery and were tested at least 1 year after surgery. In addition, 15 age-matched subjects with no symptoms in lower limb joints were recruited as the control group. Gait analysis was conducted using a 3-dintensronal motion analysis system. The ground reaction force was recorded by two force platforms. Results showed that patients decreased their walking speed by 35% by decreasing both stride length and cadence. especially on the operated side. The result also showed an increased double support time for the operated limb All patients walked with a less flexed knee and showed a biphasic pattern of flexion-extension motion in a narrow range about the treated knee compared with the contralateral limb and with normal controls. The small amount (about 7 degrees) of plantarflexion at the ankle during the push-off phase was seen in the treated limb compared with the contralateral limb and normal controls. Patients also showed low peak hip exlension in the treated limb compared with the contralateral limb and with normal controls. In conclusion, gait analysis revealed poor knee and ankle kinetics on the operated side during gait compared to age-matched healthy people and with contralateral limb. However, poor knee and kinetics were compensated for by larger hip extension moments through stance. It seems that unilateral total knee replacement (TKA) produces a very asymmetrical gait in a bilateral severe OA knee patient. In such patients, the OA disease of the contralateral knee joint will markedly lower the level of function and the level of function and the desired result of TKA.


Arthroplasty Knee Osteoarthritis Gait
