

In operating theatres, anesthetists usually adopt a specific regime to administer anesthetic drugs during the different stages of tile operation. Hence, designing an automatic closed loop control system cannot be realized with a fixed control system for the consecutive stages of’ the operation. A multi-stage controller that can change from fixed to adaptive regimes would be an attractive solution, in order to imitate the anesthetist, a linguistic controller can he a feasible solution. Fuzzy logic theory provides such facility with linguistic rule bases defined as the control regime. The controller can be designed with different stages and fixed, self-organizing, incremental anti absolute control actions. In this work, a novel method for decomposing an m-input/n-output self-organizing frizzy logic control (SOFLC) structure to many 2-input/1-output sets has been designed for controlling general anesthesia and muscle relaxation for the operating theatre. Successful simulation results have given us confidence to perform clinical trials in the operating theater in the near future.
