  • 期刊


Relationship between Reading Strategies and Mathematical Literacy


好的開始是成功的一半,如何讀懂問題是邁向成功解題的重要關鍵。國際學生能力評量計畫(Programme for International Student Assessment,PISA)的數學素養旨在評估學生面對未來學習或工作挑戰準備度,其試題貼近生活化、偏重情境的描述,致使題目文字量較高,閱讀負荷相對較重。因此,本研究嘗試探討學生閱讀策略(包含認知與後設認知策略)與數學素養的關聯性。研究針對PISA 2009的臺灣資料,並基於九、十年級入學方式不同可能造成校際差異的考量,因此針對此兩年級分別進行分析。研究中以相關變項資料均完整的樣本進行分析,經過母群加權後,兩年級各為99,314及190,417人。主要分析方法為描述性統計與階層線性模式(Hierarchical Linear Modeling,HLM)。結果顯示,閱讀策略對於九年級學生閱讀素養的校內和校際變異解釋比率為21%和29%,而十年級則分別為8%和11%,顯示這些變項與學生數學素養的關聯值得重視,其中又以九年級的解釋力較十年級高。若社經文化地位最低者與最高者有相同的閱讀策略運用時,將明顯提高其數學素養;低數學素養學生若與高素養學生有相同的閱讀策略運用時,九、十年級預期將有2個年級與1個年級的進步幅度。研究建議,數學教育者應針對這些閱讀策略變項積極規劃有效的數學閱讀理解教學介入方案,考量較低年級者之閱讀策略與數學素養的關聯較強,閱讀策略的教學應及早啟動,且數學課室中的閱讀策略教學應以控制策略和後設認知策略為主要考量,以協助學生發展有效的數學理解,以提升其數學表現。


A good beginning is half the battle won. In the process of mathematical problem solving, understanding the problem is the first step. The comprehension of problem is the key to success in problem solving. The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) aims to assess the students' readiness of future learning and working challenges. The reliance on contextual description has caused the reading load of the PISA items to be heavier than traditional items in mathematics. The purpose of this study is to examine the reading strategies, and metacognition accounted for mathematical literacy of 9th and 10th graders of PISA 2009. After excluding the students who did not respond to the reading strategies and metacognition questionnaire, and weighting to ensure that each sampled student appropriately represents the correct number of students in the full PISA population, 99,314 and 190,417 Taiwanese 9th and 10th graders participated in this study. The main methods of analysis are descriptive statistics and Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM). The results show that reading strategies (i.e., cognitive strategies and metacognitive strategies) are strongly associated with mathematical literacy. There are 21% and 29%, 8% and 11% of the variance of 9th and 10th graders' mathematical literacy-for within school and between schools can be so explained. Further, if students with the lowest socio-economic status or achievement had used the same reading strategies as their counterparts with the highest socio-economic status or achievement, then their mathematics abilities would be substantially enhanced. Thus, the teachers could consider trying to adapt these variables into consideration for developing mathematical engaging students and as early as possible.


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