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The Concept of New Age Women in Souseki's Early Works: The Fate of Female Protagonists




It is widely known that Souseki is especially good at depicting male characters. From his earliest works such as”Wagahaiwa neko dearu”and ”Bocchann”, we see how Souseki penetrates into and analyzes the inner world of the male protagonists to perfection. However, very rarely and surprisingly, in his other early works such as ”Kusamakura” and ”Gubijinsou”, we see him also describe female characters in great length.What impress the readers most in these works, as everyone may agree, are Nami in ”Kusamakura”, Fuzio in ”Gubijinnsou”, and Mineko in ”Sanshirou”. These women are portrayed as being persevering in their attempts to stand up and to live on in Meizi Period, thus making men around perplexed and lost. Among others, what also deserves our attention is that Michiyo, on whom Daisuke has a crush in ”Sorekara”, epitomized the concept of a woman living in old times but with modern points of view. (”New Age Woman”)In this thesis, I am going to make clear the concept of women with modern prospects in Meizi period by probing into the female characters as follows: Nami in ”Kusamakura”, Fuzio in ”Gubizinnsou”, Mineko in ”Sanshirou”, and Michiyo in ”Sorekara”.


Souseki males "New Age Women" Meizi Period fate


『婦人新報 第114號』(1906) (復刻版第16卷:不二出版、1985)
『婦人新報 第120號』(1907) (復刻版第17卷:不二出版、1985)
『婦人畫報 6號』東京社 (1908)
