  • 期刊


日治初期在臺日人的社會秩序的形成-以地域自治組織的組成為中心|Formation of social order of Japanese in Taiwan during the early stage of the colonial rule: focusing on the formation of the local Japanese organizations




本文藉由探究在臺日人自治組織的成立經緯與其目的,以理解日治初期在臺日人的社會秩序的形成與台灣社會的政治變動狀況。本文具體分析殖民地的都市,以臺北及臺南為主的日人自治組織的形成經過,反映出1897年5月,總督府以「本島人」(臺人)為主體的街、庄、社長設置的過程中,在當時存在治理「內地人」(日人)的新移民社會的基盤問題。當時統治當局認為由「本島人」出任參事街、庄長等下級行政機關首長,若將日人置於其管轄之下勢必無法增進日人之權益,因而促成設立內地人組合以為彌補,將在臺日人暫時置於下級地方行政制度之外。最初,在臺居住民團是由日人獨立組成,與臺灣總督府的政策時而對峙、時而協調,乃至創制、修改法令,實際運作政策的形成。隨著總督府在1898年9月制定《内地人組合條例)之後,各區自治團體紛紛成立。在臺日人的團體派閥之間產生激烈磨合,競爭關係浮上檯面。本文經由探究在臺日人的自治組織的創立,瞭解其對推進治理新領地的社會秩序的重建,具有歷史意義,且内地人組合或居住民團具有近代地方公共團體的形態,對於日後地方自治的建立有所助益。|This article made a thorough inquiry of the formation of local Japanese autonomous organizations, and uncovered the shaping of social order of Japanese in new colony as well as the related changes of Taiwan society during the early stage of Japanese rule. The article analyses the course of the formation of the local organizations in Taipei and Tainan. The objective is to reconstruct the social tensions between the "Inner landers" (Japanese) and the "Islanders" (Taiwanese), and that among the Japanese organizations in the early years of the colonial administration. While the Government-General of Taiwan established the local administrative system n May 1897, it appeared that several local Japanese organizations meant to secure their existing rights. The "Inner landers" wanted to establish the exclusive political power to guard their interests. The Government-Genera also believed that it was necessary to form separately the local administrations of the "Inner Landers" and the "Islanders", to protect and to boost the interest of the "Inner Landers". In order to mend this situation, the foundation of local Japanese organizations was encouraged by the Government-General. The "Inner Landers" established quickly several "Associations of Civil Residents" (Kyoryumin dan) to strive for their rights. However, lacking of laws, tensions arose between these Associations and the Government-General. As the Government-General issued the "Regulations of the Inner Landers Organizations" in September 1898, the numbers of the Association increased rapidly. The competitions among the "Inner-Landers" organizations led to the further tension in the Japanese circle. We can understand through the case how the Government-General reconstructs the social order after the subjugation.


