  • 期刊

A New Method to Treat Recurrent Palmar Hyperhidrosis: Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathetic Block by Clipping (one Case Report)



壹個十八歲的女性從孩提時代就為雙手多汗症所困擾,她於一九九八年二月接受經內視鏡第二胸交感神經截斷術以治療手汗症。很不幸運的,在接受第壹次手術後的兩個月,她的雙手多汗現象又再度出現,因此她來到我們胸腔外科門診,並接受壹個新的治療方法,我們經由電視輔助配合內視鏡利用鈦合金血管夾施行第二、三胸交感神經節傳導阻斷術來處理她的復發性雙手多汗症。 手術過程中,患者採半坐臥姿勢,接受雙腔氣管插管麻醉,我們成功地完成這個手術,沒有併發症。經一年的追蹤,這名患者沒有雙手多汗復發現象,也不為代償性出汗所困擾。綜合以上結果,我們認為使用內視鏡施行第二、三胸交感神經節傳導阻斷術,來治療復發性雙手多汗症患者是有效而且安全的手術方法。


A 18-year-old girl has been seized with much sweating of the palms since her childhood. She had received transthoracic endoscopic T2 sympathectomy at other hospital about 2 years ago. Recurrent palmar hyperhidrosis happened 2 months after the first operation. Thereafter, she went to our out patient department and underwent endoscopic T2 and T3 sympathetic block by clipping. The whole procedure was done under double-lumen intubated anesthesia. This patient has been satisfied with improvement of palmar hyperhidrosis without troublesome compensatory sweating after one-year follow-up. We present this case and would like to introduce this new technique in treating patient with recurrent palmar hyperhidrosis.
