  • 期刊


Soluble Endothelial-selectin and Early Carotid Atherosclerosis


背景及目的:在早期動脈硬化過程中沾黏分子(Adhesion Molecule, AM)扮演關鍵性角色。其中E-selectin (Endothelial-selectin)是AM家族中最早參與血管發炎反應分子。動脈內膜中層厚度(Intima-Media Thickness, IMT)增厚是早期動脈硬化之病理特徵,而本研究探討血漿中的sE-seleetin (soluble-selectin)與早期頸動脈硬化指標-IMT之關係。 方法:受試者共68人均無腦/心血管疾病及無服用藥物。其中健康族群佔26人、具動脈硬化危險因子(高血壓、高血糖、高血脂或吸煙)的危險群佔42人。檢查包括理學檢查、常規生化檢查、ELISA技術測量血漿sE-selectin濃度,利用頸動脈超音波檢查測量動脈硬化指標,包括代表早期變化之兩側平均頸總動脈內膜中層厚度(Common Carotid Artery-Intima-Media Thickness, CCA-IMT)及較後期變化之總硬化斑指數(Total Plaque Index, TPI)。統計分析採四分位法(quartile method),將sE-selectin的濃度分組後,應用共變數分析(Multi-Covariant of ANOVA),分析sE-selectin的濃度與CCA-IMT、TPI之相關性。 結果:在健康族群中CCA-IMT、TPI與sE-selectin變化並無統計之差異,而在危險族群中sE-selectin之濃度與CCA-IMT有顯著正相關(P=0.008),但與TPI程度無關(P=0.756),其中sE-selectin濃度增高,主要發現於吸煙族群(P=0.053)。 結論:在危險族群中血漿sE-selectin增高,可應用為偵測早期CCA-IMT增厚,或許可作為偵測早期動脈硬化之生物指標。


Background: Among adhesion molecules, which play a crucial role in early atherosclerosis, endothelial-selectin (E-selectin) participates earliest the vascular inflammatory process. Increased intima-media thickness (IMT) is a pathological finding of early atherosclerosis. We investigated the relationship between plasma levels of soluble E-selectin (sE-selectin) and carotid IMT. Materials and methods: Sixty-eight adults were enrolled: 26 healthy subjects and 42 who were at risk for atherosclerosis, including those with hypertension, hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, or a history of cigarette smoking. Adults with cerebrovascular or cardiovascular events or with medication exposure were excluded. All subjects underwent physical examination, routine biochemical studies, quantitation of plasma sE-selectin with sandwich-type enzyme- linked immunosorbent assay, and carotid duplex studies. We used duplex studies to measure atherosclerotic parameters, including the mean IMT of the bilateral common carotid arteries (CCA-IMT), an indicator of early atherosclerosis, and the total plaque index (TPI), an indicator of late atherosclerosis. A quartile method and a multicovariant analysis of variance were used to evaluate the effect of sE-selectin on CCA-IMT and the TPI. Results: In the healthy group, changes in sE-selectin were not correlated with CCA-IMT or the TPI. In the at-risk group, plasma sE-selectin levels were well correlated with CCA-IMT (P=0.008) but not TPI (P=0.756). At-risk smokers had a borderline increase in sE-selectin levels (P=0.053). Conclusion: Increased plasma levels of sE-selectin in those at risk for atherosclerosis may be used to detect early increased CCA-IMT. They may serve as a biological marker for early atherosclerosis.
