  • 期刊


Spatio-temporal Variation of Lung Cancer Mortality Rate in Women in Taiwan


目標:進行台灣地區女性肺癌死亡率1971-2000年之時空變異分析。方法:依台灣地區的飲食習慣及生活形態不同,將台灣劃分爲7區(「院轄市」、「山地鄉」、「離島地區」、「西南砷流行地區」、「東北砷流行地區」、「東部地區」和「台灣其他地區),幷將死亡率分成1971-1980、1981-1990和1991-2000三個年代,算出直接年齡標準化死亡率(Age-adjusted standardized mortality Rate, ASMR),幷利用地理資訊系統(Geographical information system, GIS)繪製女性肺癌死亡率地圖。結果:「西南砷流行地區」在分析的三個年代中,其肺癌ASMR值均是這七個地區中最高,分別爲每十萬人口37.58人、37.58人和32.24人;在1971-1980年代,「山地鄉」、「東北砷流行地區」及「東部地區」之女性肺癌ASMR值明顯低於其他地區;但這些地區在1991-2000對1971-1980年代之死亡增加率則較快,分別增加274.97%,198.87%及168.03%。結論:台灣地區之「山地鄉」其女性肺癌死亡增加率最快。


Objectives: To analyze and map the spatio-temporal variation of lung cancer mortality rate in women in Taiwan from 1971 to 2000. Methods: This study divides the area of Taiwan into seven areas: metropolitan cities, aboriginal townships, Penghu islands, southwestern arseniasis-endemic area, northeastern arseniasis-endemic area, east area and the other areas, and then analyzes the mortality rate of lung cancer among women in these areas. The age-adjusted standardized mortality rates (ASMR) were calculated by dividing the study period into three decades. 1971-1980, 1981-1990, and 1991-2000, for the seven areas. Finally, geographical information system (GIS) was used to draw a spatio-temporal map for these ASMR values. Results: The southwestern arseniasis-endemic area was found to have the highest ASMR value for each period. In that area, the ASMR values for women with lung cancer in the three periods, 1971-1981, 1981-1990, and 1991-2000, were 37.58, 37.58 and 32.24 per 100,000 person per year, respectively. Although aboriginal townships, northeastern arseniasis-endemic area and east area had lower ASMR values than the other four areas between 1971 and 1980, they were found by the third period to have undergone the most striking increases, 274.97%, 198.87% and 168.03%, respectively. Conclusion: Aboriginal townships were found to have the highest increase in ASMR rates in Taiwan.


