  • 期刊


Tobacco Smoking Behavior of Students in Junior High School and Related Factors


本研究係探討國中學生吸菸行為及其影響因素,以作為輔導國中生減少抽菸頻率的有效教學方式。本研究採用自編之「國中學生吸菸知識、態度、行為及其相關因素」之研究問卷為研究工具進行調查,以北區某國中為研究樣本,以分層隨機抽樣(stratified random sampling)方式,針對一、二、三年級進行抽樣,共得有效樣本346人,其中男生183人,女生163人,以百分比、次數分配、單一因子變異數分析、獨立樣本檢定、交叉分析及邏輯複迴歸進行統計分析,結果發現:吸菸的因素包括個人屬性和家庭環境因素,有吸菸經驗的國中生開始吸第一支菸的時間,以國小居多,吸第一支菸的原因多基於好奇,吸菸場所以遊樂場最多,吸菸的情況係遇到挫折或心煩,香煙的來源以同學或朋友給的居多。影響國中生吸菸知識、態度和行為有關的因素有學生個人特質和家庭環境等因素,如年級、父母婚姻狀況、居住情形及管教方式。男國中生拒菸的自我效能比受試的女國中生來得差,不同的年級拒絕吸菸的自我效能具統計顯著性差異,父親的管教方式對國中生的拒菸自我效能,也有顯著差異存在。


The purpose of this study was to understand the tobacco smoking behavior of students in junior high school, and to explore the relating factors. A total of 346 study subjects, including 183 boys and 163 girls from one junior high school, were selected by a stratified random sampling from Taipei City. Various statistical methods, including frequency distribution, Chi-square, one-way ANOVA, T-test, and logistic regression analysis, were adopted to analyze the outcome of the study. The results of this study showed that about 15% students had smoking experiences and most of them started smoking during Grades 5-6. The reason for their first smoking was mostly out of curiosity and the place for smoking was mostly at the amusement park. These students smoked when they felt frustrated. Usually, the cigarettes were provided by their friends or classmates. The tobacco smoking behavior of the junior high school students was strongly related to personal characteristics and family environment, such as student's grade, parent's marital status and methods of discipline. The junior high school students' knowledge of tobacco smoking was positively related to their attitude. Therefore, steps to prevent smoking behavior, by laws and education, should be undertaken or begin as earlier as better.


廖文雀(2011)。縣市合併改制、工作壓力、組織公民行為與 工作績效相關性研究-以臺中市戶政人員為例〔碩士論文,國立臺中科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6826/NUTC.2011.00035
