  • 期刊


Patients Satisfaction in a Central Taiwan Regional Hospital Emergency Department


病患滿意度影響病患對整個醫院的印象、後續是否持續返診接受治療,並影響日後選擇就診醫院的決定。本研究目的在瞭解急診病患對所接受的急診服務滿意度,探討相關的影響因素,並建構影響急診滿意度之模型。 研究設計:本研究以醫院環境設施、等候時間、醫療過程、服務態度等四個構面來測量病患滿意度,以結構式問卷採一對一的方式對某區域醫院急診病患進行調查。研究結果以描述性分析進行描述,並以t-檢定、皮爾森積差相關分析,及多元逐步迴歸法進行推論性分析。 研究結果:(1)病人平均滿意分數為3.77分,介於普通與滿意之間;急診服務品質構面的滿意度依序為服務態度、醫療過程、等候時間及醫院環境設施;(2)整體滿意分數與急診醫療服務各構面滿意度呈現正相關,且均達到顯著水準;(3)心理痛苦(甘苦)程度與各構面滿意度之間呈現負相關,且與「等候時間」與「醫療過程」二構面呈現顯著相關;(4)顯著影響病患滿意分數的因素包含病患年齡、就診時段及醫院環境設施構面及醫療過程構面。 研究結論:急診服務中人性化的醫療照顧、全面性的關懷、良好的溝通,及清潔舒適之環境,都是影響病患滿意度最重要的因素。結果所顯示的不滿意服務項目,隱含著服務品質缺□,其中尤以硬體設施、環境清潔、及人員服務態度落差較大,可做為未來改善急診服務,提昇病患滿意度之依據。


急診 病患滿意度 急診服務


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the relative importance of several components of patient satisfaction with emergency department (ED) care and services. Method: We performed a prospective cohort study of 580 patients 14 years of age and older presenting to an urban regional hospital ED from November 15th to 28th, 2005. Patients were contacted within one hour before discharge. In a follow-up satisfaction survey, the patients were asked to rate ED environment, waiting time, treatment, and service attitude on a 5-point Liker scale. Frequencies, t-test, Pearson correlations, and a multiple regression were performed to describe the demographic and medical characteristics of the patients, to examine the relationships among the variables, and to determine which variables might predict overall satisfaction with the ED care. Results: Four hundred and nine ED patients completed this survey. The mean age was 42 years old and 51% of the respondents were male. The overall average satisfaction score was 3.77, between average and satisfactory. Service attitude and treatment were associated with satisfaction; waiting time and ED environment were associated with dissatisfaction. Patients' emotional distress was significantly and negatively related to waiting time and treatment. The factors influencing the ED patient satisfaction include ED environment, treatment process, age, and time spent waiting. Conclusion: Results show that the interaction between patients and staff had the greatest impact on satisfaction. Significant improvements in patient satisfaction might be realized by providing ED staff members training on how to improve interpersonal interactions. Furthermore, every effort should be made to find ways to shorten ED patient waiting time.


