  • 期刊


The Nursing Experience Involving the Care of a Buerger's Disease Patient Receiving Amputation




伯格氏症 截肢 護理經驗


This article reports the nursing of the physical problems, mental problems and obstacles to social adjustment in a 29-year-old male patient who had an unhealed foot ulcer and received amputation for Buerger's disease. Nuring care was provided from May, 07, 2009 to June, 01, 2009. Gordon's 11 functional health pattern assessment as well as methods such as physical assessment, interviews, observations, and listening skills were used to collect the relevant data. The patient's nursing problems were high risk of infection, acute pain, knowledge deficit, and body image disturbance. Nursing care include educating the patient on how to self-treat his infected wound, provision of interventions to decrease pain including network, flap and drug, and the educating the patient about the cause and progression of the disease. In addition, the patient was encouraged to complete a smoking cessation program, allows the accompaniment of his parents and taught to accept changes in body image. The patient adapted to daily life, returned to his family and rejoined society.


Buerger's disease amputation nursing
