  • 期刊


The Quest for Glocalising Drama Education: A Case Study of Training Hong Kong Early Childhood Teachers




With reference to the theory of glocalisation, this study examined the glocalising of drama education in Hong Kong. Firstly, the author, serving a propagator of drama education and relating to her teaching training experience, looked into the teaching plans of 147 students and interviewed 14 of these students, from which the author illustrated and explained the complexity of borrowing and passing on drama education in Hong Kong. Though the students agreed unanimously that drama education is capable of promoting transformation, they have always been under the constraints of their prevailing teaching beliefs and practices. Moreover, with inadequate training and scare resources available in Hong Kong, the students have misinterpreted and misused drama conventions which brought forth merely a form of drama education, but never its spirits. This prompted the author first to reflect on and deconstruct the western workshop mode of experiential teaching which addresses learning through experience, and second to appropriate the local factors to reconstruct a hybridized training approach. This hybridization aims at helping the students establish a basic and standard knowledge framework of drama conventions, and thus incorporate it systematically to practical experience in the hope that drama education would take its promising transformation effect and keep passing on in Hong Kong.


舒志義譯、李慧心譯Neelands, J.、Goode, T.(2005)。建構戲劇:戲劇教學策略70式。臺北市=Taipei:財團法人成長文教基金會=Healthy Growth Foundation。
吳清山、林天祐(2005)。教育新辭書。臺北市=Taipei:高等教育文化事業有限公司=Higher Education。
香港基督教服務處教育政策研究小組(2002)。香港幼兒教育質素意見調查。香港=Hong Kong:香港基督教服務處=Hong Kong Christian Service。
