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Analysis of Creative Self-Efficacy Constructs With Art Major College Students Enrolled in the Digital Image Creation Course


創意自我效能是實現創造力的關鍵因素。本研究旨在探討大學生創意自我效能因素構念之關係,構念包含創意思考策略信念、創意成品信念及抗衡負面評價信念。研究對象以臺北一所國立大學藝術相關科系修讀「數位影像創作」課程學生為主,透過問卷調查方式,連續三年於教學前、後調查,共獲得有效問卷226份,使用偏最小平方法(partial least squares,PLS)進行結構模式驗證。研究結果顯示,本研究結構模式解釋力尚可,學生的「創意思考策略信念」對「創意成品信念」產生直接影響以及「創意成品信念」亦對「抗衡負面評價信念」產生直接影響,且「創意思考策略信念」對「抗衡負面評價信念」產生間接影響。根據上述發現,本研究認為欲提升學生整體的藝術創造力,可從強化學生創意思考策略的信心開始。


Creative self-efficacy is a key factor in creativity. The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship of college students' creative self-efficacy constructs, including beliefs in creative thinking strategies, beliefs in creative products, and beliefs in resisting negative evaluations. Taking art major students who participated in Digital Image Creation Course at a national university in Taipei as the samples for the analysis, questionnaires surveys were applied to collect pretest and posttest data for three consecutive years. Total 226 valid responses were retrieved and examined using partial least squares (PLS) structural equation modeling. The results revealed that the explanatory power of the structural model was acceptable. Students' beliefs in creative thinking strategies directly affected beliefs in creative products, which directly affected beliefs in resisting negative evaluations. Their beliefs in creative thinking strategies indirectly affected beliefs in resisting negative evaluations. Accordingly, this study suggested that in order to enhance students' overall artistic creativity, teachers should strengthen their beliefs in creative thinking strategies first.


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