  • 期刊


The Myth of First-Class University-Reflection on Taiwan's Higher Education Reform from the Perspective of American Liberal Education


本研究之主旨在於透過對美國大學體制中所蘊涵之獨特的自由教育之精神的分析,以便用來反省與檢討今日台灣所推動的高等教育改革。本文主張,台灣今日高等教育改革的最大迷思,就在於錯誤地以為透過人力、物力與資源的集中挹注於少數重點大學,就可以像美國那樣打造出世界一流的學府,進而提升國家總體競爭力。本文將論證,美國一流大學之所以成功是建立在許多第三世界國家所沒有的基礎之上的。尤其他們深厚的博雅自由教育傳統,事實上構成美國大學本科教育的基礎,培養了美國各行各業最優秀的人才,這是美國大學精髓之所在,也是美國高教競爭力執世界牛耳的重要原因之一。 透過基礎教育與專業教育的區分、基礎學科與應用學科的區別,大學前段不分系的基本原則,美國大學建立的一套以自由教育為導向的大學本科教育體制。而且這種自由教育之精神,最主要展現在一流研究型大學的本科生教育,以及一般所謂私立的博雅自由學院之中。本研究對這些四年制本科文理自由學院的教育內涵進行分析,也對美國公立與私立大學體質與教育理念之不同進行比較,並且探討了因為全球化學術霸權與市場化帶給美國大學得天獨厚的條件,這些分析將對於於我們對台灣今日高等教育之發展方向之評估,有極大的啓發作用。 作者除了依據美國經驗,對台灣高等教育改革之方向給予深入剖析外,末了還提出北京元培計畫對台灣可能有的啓示意義。


The aim of this research was to reflect and to review the recent Higher Education Reform in Taiwan, through an analysis of the unique spirit of ”Liberal Education” in some American universities. This paper asserted that the greatest myth in recent Higher Education Reform in Taiwan lay in that the government misrecognized that they could build up few first-class universities in Taiwan like those American first-class universities through government's providing enormous budget of personnel and resource focusing on few ”key universities”, furthermore to promote the total competitiveness of our whole country. This paper argues that the reason why those American first-class universities have been successful was because these universities were constructed on a particular basis which other Third World countries universities didn't have. Especially, the profound tradition of ”Liberty Education” constituted the basis of undergraduate education in American universities. And this has nourished numerous excellent talented people, which is the essence of the American universities. Therefore, liberal education is the main reason of the high competitiveness in American Higher Education among the World. The American Universities build up the system of undergraduate education with its Liberal Education as following principle: 1. the distinction between ”basic education” and professional education”. 2. the distinction between ”basic science” and ”applied science” 3. the undecided major department for the former years in universities. And the best example of the spirit of this Liberal Education is in both the ”undergraduate education” of first-class research-type universities and private so-called ”liberal arts college”. My research would analyze: 1 .the content of four-year undergraduate education in these liberal college. 2. the difference of the education idea between the private and public universities in the United States. 3. the special stand point which the development of both Globalization and the Market-orientation brings large advantages to the academic Hegemony of the United States universities. All these analysis would bring much heurist effect to our evaluation of the direction of the recent development of Taiwan High Education. Furthermore, the author will discuss the implication of the China's ”Peking Universities Yuan-Pei (Liberal Education) Project” to Taiwan universities.




