  • 期刊


State, Rights and Education: From the Perspectives of Justice Theories




教育權 正義理論


We all know that the ”right to education” is a fundamental right warranted by constitutions in many countries. But what are the contents of educational right and its relevance to other rights? How is it being weighted in terms of justice? These are the questions that the author tries to answer. For these purposes, the author chooses four justice theorists (Hayek, Rawls, Dworkin, and Nussbaum) and systematically and thoroughly examines their fundamental assumptions of justice in order to position the educational right in the ”good” and ”just” society projected by these theorists. With the inspiration of the Nussbaum's capability approach, the author concludes that the educational right shall be the fundamental right prior to other rights and shall be enforced substantially. The guarantee of the educational right, not a formal equity of education, will enable citizens to compete fairly in the society, fulfill their citizen duties, and establish a just society. For these reasons, the state is obliged to guarantee the fundamental education of the citizens.


Education Right Theory of Justice Rawls Justice Nussbaum Dworkin


馮克利譯、Dworkin, R.(2003)。至上的美德:平等理論與實踐。南京:江蘇人民出版社。
萬俊人譯、Rawls, J.(2000)。政治自由主義。南京:譯林出版社。
李少軍譯、杜麗燕譯、張虹譯、Rawls, J.(2003)。正義論。台北:桂冠圖書公司。
徐子婷譯、Nussbaum, M. C.(2008)。正義的界限: 殘障、全球正義與動物正義。台北:韋伯文化。
Dworkin, R.(2000).Sovereign virtue The theory and practice of equality.Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press.
