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A Control for Three Pests of the Yuh-heh-pau Litchi in the Fruit Stage


首先於2008年於高雄縣鳳山市、大樹鄉、岡山鎮及旗山鎮四處玉荷包荔枝園測定荔枝細蛾(Conopomorpha sinensis Bradley)及東方果實蠅(Bactroceradorsalis Hendel)之族群密度,調查結果顯示荔枝細蛾之高峰期在5~6月及11月間,東方果實蠅則在1~2月。後續再進行藥劑篩選結果顯示對荔枝細蛾與東方果實蠅防治有效之藥劑,以50%芬殺松乳劑(EC)最佳,2.4%第滅寧水懸劑(SC)次之。果實套袋防治二蟲效果,以綠網袋與白紙袋最好,唯套白紙袋如遇連續數日下雨,果實外表易生斑點。黃綠綿介殼蟲(Chloropulvinaria psidii (Maskell))為害荔枝葉片為主,嚴重蔓延至果實,防治試驗結果於結果前噴施50%芬殺松EC防治及結果後發生時噴窄域油防治效果良好。


Surveys of the populations of the litchi fruit borer (Conopomorpha sinensis) and the oriental fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis) on Yuh-heh-pau litchi were conducted at Fengshan, Kunshan, Tashuh and Cishan in Kaohsiung County in 2008. The first peak of litchi fruit borers occurred in May and June, and the second peak occurred in November. The higher peak of the oriental fruit fly occurred in January and February. A test was carried out where the tree was wrapped in a bag to protect the litchi from the infestation of these two pests. The results indicated that 50% fenthion EC was more effective than 2.4% deltamethrin SC, and both the green net bag and the white paper bag were more effective than the white net bag. However, little spots appeared on the fruit as a result of the white paper bag treatment after several days of continuous rain. The cotton mealy bug (Chloropulvinaria psidii) mainly damages the leaves of the litchi tree (Litchi chinensis), but may spread to the fruit. It exudes sticky droplets on the surface of the leaves where sooty moulds develop in the moist weather. The best method for controlling these pests (mealy bug and fruit fly) is to spray 50% fenthion EC several times before the fruit sets and then change to spraying narrow range oil (99% EC) during fruit setting.
