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A Review of the Taxonomy and Phylogeny of Termites (Isoptera)




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Termites, sometimes called white ants, are a group of eusocial insects in the order Isoptera, which is comprised of about 281 genera and more than 2,600 described species. They have a profound ecological significance in the tropics. At present, 7 families and 14 subfamilies are recognized. There are 17 termite species from 12 genera belonging to four families listed in Taiwan. This study recommends a revision of the classification of Isoptera based on phylogenetic results. The present classification, which has been used since 1972 has been stable, but a rearrangement of some taxa is needed. At the evolutionary level, the phylogenetic hypotheses proposed for Isoptera have several weaknesses, such as a lack of cladistic analysis, too few characters, and poor taxon sampling. Termites were found to be a monophyletic group, and Mastotermitidae are generally accepted as the basal family. Their relationships with other insects remain unclear. Recent advances in molecular techniques, cladistic analyses and increased cooperation among scientists using different characteristics will provide a resolution of these problems.


Isoptera taxonomy phylogeny
