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刺桐釉小蜂(Quadrastichus erythrinae Kim)的產卵選擇與造癭偏好

Oviposition and Galling Preference of Erythrina Eulophid Wasp (Quadrastichus erythrinae Kim) on Coral Tree


刺桐釉小蜂(Quadrastichus erythrinae Kim)是近年來危害台灣地區刺桐屬植物的外來入侵種膜翅目釉小蜂科昆蟲,雌蜂於刺桐屬寄主植物上產卵,在嫩莖、嫩芽及枝條上產生蟲癭,嚴重時甚至會危害到寄主植物的存活。由於蟲癭的形成涵蓋一連串複雜的造癭過程,造癭昆蟲必須配合適當的寄主植物物候期才能產生蟲癭。本試驗目的是找出刺桐釉小蜂雌蜂產卵偏好的物候期,並比較寄主植物產生蟲癭的偏好部位。雌蜂在日間全天皆可記錄到產卵行為,但以8~13點產卵次數較高;將刺桐葉片物候區分為五期,B期的刺桐葉被產卵次數最多,E期則不被雌蜂產卵。產癭則以A期數量最高。雌蜂產卵選擇以及蟲癭產生主要在芽A~C的初期階段,對葉片部位不具偏好性;建議未來在刺桐釉小蜂的防治上,需加強保護早春到夏初出現的大量刺桐嫩芽,可在此造癭時期進行防治,以避免刺桐釉小蜂族群的大爆發。


The erythrina eulophid wasp, Quadrastichus erythrinae Kim (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), is a new invasive species on coral trees (Erythrina spp.) in Taiwan. The oviposition of female wasps induces galls on the young shoots and stems of the coral trees. A serious infection could cause the death of the host tree. Cecidogenesis, the forming of galls, involves a series of complicated processes and the galling insects must induce galls within the right phenological phase of the host plant. This study attempts to clarify the oviposition preference of the erythrina eulophid wasps for the different phenological phases of the coral tree, and also to compare the location preference for the gall forming. The oviposition of the female wasps can be recorded throughout the daylight hours, but with a higher frequency from 8 am to 1 pm. We divided the phenological phase the leaves of the coral tree into 5 phases, and found that the oviposition frequency was highest in phase B, while no oviposition took place in phase E. The gall abundance, recorded 10 days after oviposition, was highest in stage A (during oviposition). The female erythrina eulophid wasps tend to prefer ovipositing in the new shoots from phase A-C, yet we could not find a location preference. We suggest that more protection efforts are needed in spring and summer when the new shoots emerge, to avoid population outbreak of the erythrina eulophid wasp.


