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番荔枝斑螟蛾(Anonaepestis bengalella Ragonot)(鱗翅目:螟蛾科)(Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)之羽化、交尾及產卵行爲

Eclosion, Mating and Oviposition of the Custard Apple Borer, Anonaepestis bengalella Ragonot (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)


番荔枝斑螟蛾(Anonaepestis bengalella Ragonot)為台灣番荔枝主要害蟲之一。本試驗由台東太麻里番荔枝果園大量收集蟲害果以收集試驗蟲源,作為番荔枝斑螟蛾成蟲生殖行為觀察用。試驗結果顯示番荔枝斑螟蛾雌、雄成蟲壽命分別為9.1與9.7日,產卵前期2.2日、產卵期5.6日、繁殖力63.7卵/♀、卵孵化率為75.6%。於溫度19~25℃,光週期為12L:12D之室內,番荔枝斑螟蛾蛹多於暗前3hr至暗後6hr之間羽化;暗後3hr為雌、雄蛹達羽化高峰,羽化率分別為35.3與44.2%。雌蛾發情發生於亮前4hr內,在亮前3hr達發情高峰。雌蛾發情時,其腹末尾部向上舉起分泌性費洛蒙。1~8日齡雌蛾發情率很低為4.3~17.4%,發情持續時間12.9~47min。交尾行為主要發生於亮前3hr內,交尾率很低為13.2%,每次交尾時間平均62min。產卵行為主要發生於暗期,連續產卵11~13hr,於亮後約3hr結束產卵。


番荔枝斑螟蛾 羽化 交尾 產卵 行為


The custard apple borer (CAB), Anonaepestis bengalella Ragonot, is one of the major insect pests of sugar apple, Annona squamosa, in Taiwan. The insects were collected from sugar apples infested by CABs at sugar apple orchards in Taimali Township, Taitung County, Taiwan. The lifespan of the male and female CABs were 9.7 and 9.1 days, repectively. The period of preoviposition and oviposition were 2.2 and 5.6 day, respectively. Fecundity was 63.7 eggs/female, and egg hatchability was 75.6%. The behaviors of eclosion, mating and oviposition of the CABs were observed under the conditions of 19-25℃, and L:D=12:12 photoperiod. Eclosion began from the 3rd hr before light off to the 3rd hr after light on. Peak eclosion occurred at the 3rd hr after light off, and the eclosion rates of male and female CABs were 44.2% and 35.3%, respectively. When the female was calling, it lifted its abdomen and held its ovipositor out to secrete sex pheromones. Calling occurred 4 hrs before light on, and reached a peak at the 3rd hr before light on. The rate of calling for a virgin female 1 to 8-days of age was very low, 4.3-17.4%, and the time of female calling lasted for 12.9-47 min. Mating occurred at 3 hrs before light on, the rate of mating also was very low at 12.7%, and the mean duration of mating was 62 min. Oviposition, was continuous for 11-13 hrs, mainly in the scotophase, and occurred from the 3rd hr before light off to the 3th hr after light on.
