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大黑星龜金花蟲("Aspidomorpha miliaris" (Fabricius 1775))(鞘翅目:金花蟲科)各期型態及翅鞘斑紋多型性描述

Description of Different Stages and Elytral Polymorphisms of "Aspidomorpha miliaris" (Fabricius 1775) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)


本研究探討大黑星龜金花蟲(Aspidomorpha miliaris (Fabricius 1775))(鞘翅目:金花蟲科)成蟲翅鞘斑紋之多型性,依據成蟲翅鞘上黑色斑點所佔的面積百分比,將成蟲翅鞘外觀分為典型(typical form)、明亮型(light form)及黑暗型(dark form)三類。明亮型為黑色斑點佔翅鞘面積小於10%,典型為黑色斑點佔翅鞘面積介於10~30%,黑暗型為黑色斑點佔翅鞘面積大於30%。其中明亮型個體僅出現在蕹菜飼養的各組個體,以紫花牽牛飼養的各組全為典型個體。黑暗型個體則在其它五種寄主植物飼養的各組中零星出現。長方體的卵鞘由卵和卵莢構成,為保護卵之結構。卵鞘結構分為鬆散區(loose area)、卵區(egg area)及緊密區(dense area),卵則產在卵區。本研究並詳細描述不同時期的形態及成蟲羽化後不同日齡的顏色變化。


The polymorphism of the elytra color patterns of adults of "Aspidomorpha miliaris" was studied. The color patterns were classified into three forms based on the percentage of black spots on the elytra. The typical form of an individual adult shows black spots ≥ 10% and ≤ 30%, the light form <10%, and the dark form > 30%. The light form appeared only in larvae fed on "Ipomoea aquatic", the typical form appeared only in larvae fed on "I. purpurea", and the dark form appeared in larvae fed on any of five Convolvulaceae host-plants. All stages of "A. miliaris" were described in detail including the change of the elytral color patterns of adults as a result of aging. The cuboid-shaped ootheca is a structure for protecting the eggs. It is divided into loose, egg and dense areas. The eggs are oviposited in the egg area. This study also gives a detailed description of the morphology of the different stages and the color changes after the adult emerges.
